Ghosts say 'buh' in German? I initially read it as 'bruh' which was equally funny
21 0 ReplyEphera Yeah, pronunciation is the same as the English "boo".
4 0 Replyrealrob Yes they do. Confusingly we also use "Buuh!" for booing someone who's performance sucked
3 0 Replyj4yt33 Exactly the same in English
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Atelopus-zeteki How does one LoL in German?
13 1 ReplyDiplomjodler You don't. And if you absolutely have to, please do it in the basement.
27 0 ReplyGissaMittJobb It's German humour, it's no laughing matter
5 1 Replyfederal reverse Schörmen hjumer, its no laahsing metter.
3 0 ReplySpaceNoodle Joke's on you, my office is in the cellar.
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TheEEEdiot Right? I'm always fascinated how similar English and German are too. Took me a few seconds to realize that "buh" translates to "boo".
9 0 Replybob_lemon It's pronounced the same, too.
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lugal Actually 🤓 lol is a German acronym meaning "lachen ohne Laute" (laughing without sounds)
It's not but I heard a kid say so once
4 0 ReplySaleh Hahahahaha
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