Some crackpot has written me an abusive message, and it seems they used your account to send it. I'm replying to you as a courtesy in case you wish to take action against this lunatic.
If you believe my therapist friend who is also non-normative in a relevant fashion, demands for pronouns are often 'othering' in result, and thus go from farce to force.
I read somewhere that the best places to eat are Yelp 2 star places where the reviewer whines about service. It suggests the reviewer wanted to give a 1 star review because they were mad but had to concede that the food was good, hence 2 stars.
And then they take 2h to get your food, you find the waiter's entire ponytail in it, and you're yelled at if you don't tip 50%? Idk man, some restaurants get bad reviews for service because they have bad service. And having bad service detracts from the experience of going out to eat.
When I wrote the code for this app, which displays content from reddit that I have no control over, I never envisioned some fuckwit moron would be so stupid that he or she would get mad at the App for just displaying what's on reddit.
In the future, I'll add a disclaimer that goes "Are you some anti-DEI piece of shit who thinks everything is Woke? Press the large red button icon below to only see the "based" subreddit." I hope this will help you understand how to use this App, you fucking idiot.
Probably. I have no experience with the Google Play Store end of things, but we've gotten non-reviews written by crackpots removed from our Google Business profile by just pointing out to Google that they were either off topic or from someone who we could not identify in any of our records as being a person who actually did business with us.
For example, there was one guy who went around copy-pasting the same one star rant to seemingly every retail business in the city whining about mask requirements during COVID, which didn't have jack monkey squat do to with us and was in fact a state government mandate that we did not control. As a public business we have to comply with the law. Google took that one down when we reported it, although I still see examples of the same screed from the same guy attached to other businesses who apparently didn't have the wherewithal to complain.
I imagine "app that serves third party content the author doesn't control and reviewer is complaining about the content not the app" is a situation that is very well understood at Google. Whether or not you can make them give a shit is a different question...
I used to work at the pub in England and the landlord used to write the insane reviews on the chalkboard.
Sure they pulled down your ratings but if you're at 4.9 anyway it doesn't really matter and it's better to showcase the insane reviews than the actually legitimately negative ones.
The best one was the guy that tried to sue us because he was stung by a bee. Because apparently the bees work for us.
Their themes were sexy as well. Infinite scrolling was off by default, I have to say if I weren't avoiding going back to reddit, it looks pretty great.
Ahh they stepped out of their echochamber because the app shows r/all if youre not subscribed to any subreddit. Also, sometimes im forced to use reddit, love your app.
hey man i use your app rdx. My only sane reason to browse reddit…..thank you for making it….i wish search suggestions were better ( eg . if specific subredit is not famous , it wont index and show under search suggestions real time as i am typing )
There's a park in my area. Literally every time I have been there, over several years, there is a van in the parking lot. It has a wire mesh bust of Hillary Clinton on top, and is covered with writings about various conspiracy theories about her, and slogans like "Hillary for Jail!"
There's a park in my area. Literally every time I have been there, over several years, there is a van in the parking lot. It has a wire mesh bust of Hillary Clinton on top, and is covered with writings about various conspiracy theories about her, and slogans like "Hillary for Jail!"
I'm on Android so I didn't look into OP's app. I just went looking into it after this post. Apparently if you create your own developer app ID and patch an app to use yours instead, I guess your usage is too low for Reddit to bill. Something like that.
Third party apps with small users bases or ones that are used by people with disabilities (that have disability features) still work. For now. Also apps that allow for a read only view (meaning they can't be used to sign in, write/post comments, or upvote/downvote) also still work I believe.
I hope there’s a way to have the review removed for being irrelevant. I love your app btw, please keep it up. The only issue that’s kinda annoying right now is that I lose my place in the feed when I swipe back out from a post.
You're responding to a Steve sock puppet account. It might not be him on the other end, likely it isn't, but it's his. He wants all the money and doesn't like to share because he's a greedy little pigboy.
That's not the point. When you respond to reviews like this the goal is to point out to everyone else who might be reading it that the reviewer is in fact a nut, and therefore their opinion should be discarded out of hand.
Hey I have done actual feedback/ issues with the app.
About half the time i try to load a video it fails to open it. This can occur on comments too.
Also sometimes going to a sub reddit and then a post then hitting back button on android will cause it to completely close the app, like the breadcrumbs history is missing so it thinks you just want to quit vs go back to the sub reddit or home.
Thanks a bunch for making it, it does make browsing possible on mobile like 50%of the time :D
The Reddit populace is pretty leftie. Except for the occasional brave soul commenting here and there, you have to search out certain subreddits to hear conservative views.
Not that your app has anything to do with that, of course.
I'd say it is (was? It's been ~a year and a half since I used it consistently but I'm guessing it hasn't changed too much since then) moderately left by US standards but definitely not progressive left - you don't have to go very far to find thinly-veiled sexism/racism/homophobia, though that might just be because a large portion of the people there are terminally online in a bad way. That being said, there are definitely also communities ranging from conservative to hardcore conservative as well but I actively tried to avoid those so I didn't really see them in my feeds. The same is true with progressive communities but they tended to drift away from being actually progressive once they got to a certain size.