I genuinely can't believe that there is any overlap at all with the maybe 500 people who actually listened to his speech or even read an article summarizing it and those who don't know what the meaning of "oligarchy" is.
How does anyone get engaged enough in the political process to watch a speech from Biden and not recall Bernie Sanders saying this every day of his life for the last 30 years?
I follow these things closely on my own time, as I assume is common for nearly everyone on lemmy.
But I saw coverage of Biden’s farewell address randomly at the gym. And also at a local restaurant. The media now is putting that word “oligarchy” in front of people's eyes, as a summary of his speech. I would guess most people googling it are checking if “the oligarchy” is a country in the middle east or something
I often get confused between oligarchy, kleptocracy and plutocracy, that’s why I would look it up.
I do understand how we can all be a little ignorant. We should do better.
Probably depends on your life style and what you do for work. I work in front of a computer so I browse on the side and see stuff, but take a teacher who is focused on kids all day doesn't have much of a chance to get caught up on stuff
Americans have been so fat and happy that they're literally sick. They need a few more LA fires and pandemics to wake up from the intellectual coma they're in.
Sadly, they bought all the lies about Covid and now believe they are safe from it and that it magically disappeared. They believe the CDC's "comprehensive guidelines" are enough to keep us all "safe", when the actual guidelines are just base ideas, not anything of real value. They actually recommend people sneeze and cough into their elbows as if that's going to stop an airborne virus. Yet they believe it all.
communication requires participation by both the sender and the receiver in order to take place. are you saying that if everything you tell someone is dismissed as "fake news" and ignored, then it's your fault that nothing was communicated?
Yes, because the early USA did not resemble an modern oligarchy but rather a plutocracy which despite its problems still has greater room for a merit based system than a modern oligarchy provides. We are intentionally concentrating a tremendous amount of wealth in the hands of very few people.
There are 244m eligible voters in the United States.
77m voted for Trump. Idiots.
2.6m voted 3rd party. Idiots.
90m didn't vote. Idiots.
90+77+2.6 = 169.6
That means 170m of 244m eligible voters are braindead stupid. That's 69.7%. So we essentially have a 70% failure rate amongst eligible voters for maintaining our democracy.
Yeah, Americans, in general, are STUUUUUUUUUPID.
Yeah, we're in a declining nation and it's probably not going to get better anytime soon.
I don't think your math quite works out. Voters who voted third party or didn't vote and live in solidly blue states had no bearing on Trump's election.
I actually consider this really positive on a few fronts.
Firstly, people are trying to learn. That's great.
Oligarchy is not a common word if your English level isn't great and that's true for lots of people. Even if you read books a decent amount it's not something I think you'd come across frequently.
Also, for folks who don't know what an oligarchy is, for them to find out they're possibly living in one may change their world view.
Honestly, I am one of those idiots. I had to look up oligarchy myself, although I looked it up because it was being thrown around a bit on Lemmy, not because Biden said it.
He did a lot and still should have done more - still ends up as probably the most progressive president to hold the office. More of a criticism of this country.
All of you claiming "too little too late" don't think on the scale of history. Those things have never been said by that leader's voice, In that leader's office, broadcast on primetime TV to everyone, everywhere.
This is how progress works. Again, would have been better for him to say it from the start, but would have been fuel for the right (who doesn't even really need credible fuel for the people they talk to) even more obstructionist, bad faith ghouls.
All the above considered, we were fucked as soon as election result came in. Democracy is over, if there was s cashed they wouldn't try to literally draw and quarter Biden on the national mall in the next four years, this likely solidified it. Don't think him saying those words are said without personal risk. I think he failed to live up to the full mandate of his election, but this is an old mmm an whip knows he's about to die saying fuck it and pulling the pin on the grenade knowing he won't outrun the blast. In his reality, that's what this decision was.
People think that voting either doesn't matter, or that it's like choosing to be a fan of a certain football team. They won't realize their mistake when the rug gets pulled out from underneath them....but they might when they hit the back of their head on the polished concrete floor.
Unfortunately, we (the world) are paying for their medical bill. Climate change policy will regress. Trade and economic policy, too. Peace will be undermined. And regional wars will flare up and get worse as people fight for water and other resources.
Ugh, one of my right wing Farcebook "friends" recently made a simpleton comment about paying back student loans, and I couldn't resist saying "why stop at college? Defund public schools, if little Timmy can't afford it, send him to the mines" and of course he agreed, the irony was completely lost on him. No, his kids do not go to private school.
Eh, at least they're trying to learn more about the subject. I think the real concern is people that don't know what's going on and don't care to find out.
Huh, this actually seems legit. Compared to my ultra-scientific Google trends comparo it was half as popular of a search as Taylor Swift at its peak, which seems pretty big.
that Americans in general aren't following along on their own
that Biden could have influenced the discourse and been a force for good IF HE HAD BEEN COMMUNICATING LIKE THIS ALL ALONG. Unfortuntately they decided to 'show not tell' and let Trumpism fill the communication void with their lying bullshit for four years. Joe's biggest failure and one we shouldn't forgive him for.
I read Ken Klippenstein and he was heralding 2024 as the year of the gerontocracy starting to fail and be left behind and I'm like dude, we just elected a fucking 78 year old Hitler wannabe as president. The gerontocracy only gets worse.
Fun fact: the Greek word kakistos (meaning "worst"), from which the first part of kakistocracy derives, comes from the Proto-Indo European root *kakka- which means "to defecate." Source: Etymonline
In other words, kakistocracy can be considered: Being governed by shit.
ETA another related fact.: the word cacophony (meaning "harsh or unpleasant discordance of sound") also shares this root. It came to English via Latin, so the spelling is different, but the origin remains the same. Which is to say, a "cacophony" is a shitty sound.
Bernie's been saying this for a long time. I'm glad Biden understands that it's true and actually said it out loud to people. If someone asked me if Biden would say it some point, I would have said no fucking way.
It's not the worst thing that people are trying to educate themselves even if it's too late.
I like blaming Biden and all but let's be real we are in this mess because a bunch of the people that occupy the underclass with us are actively fighting against us and for the rich ass rulers.
And the reason to blame for that is that Democrats have shown they don't really care about working class people. So these people end up falling for the propaganda of the right since there's no real counter to it, especially with the Democrats capitulating on issues like immigration during this election. We need an actual progressive or labor party to bring these people away from the right. But the Democrats continue to refuse to become that party and without better voting systems a third party will only really work on the local level.
Poor weak dems can never do anything, their hands are always tied! And they will always be tied because the corporate overlords don't want effective leftwing politicians so we only get the feckless ones
Same as politicians releasing biographies spilling the beans after they retire from 'public service', it's never anyone's responsibility or fault they are all taking graft, insider trading, selling natural reserves to foreign drilling companies, selling weapons to genocidal pricks, etc.
I mean obviously he knows how he's part of evil, now that he's at the end of his career or life I guess the personal benefits don't outweigh the guilt anymore.
I don't count any of them as "good president" with a 800B annual military budget. Or the rest of the totalitarian federal budget they rubber stamp without fail. There's a lot of shit baked into the federal government that they never, ever veto in the budget, dark as all fucking hell, that Americans just ignore.
I would say, the genocide revealed who he already was, in a very clear way, but the signs and the evil deeds were already there.
Hey now - he was perfectly fine with the plutocracy that has ruled for hundreds of years. It's Republican legislation that led to this -- think Dodd-Frank.
Democrat leadership is happy to skim some off the top. Republicans will strip it to the bone.
everyone feel as though they are on the right side of the distribution and thus superior.
Yes, I certainly am.
Until it comes to fixing something with my hands. Run a new cable through the wall? How the hell do I do that? You can just... make a new wall? Help, my car no go.
True. However both should sit on the same spot on top of the bell curve for IQ distribution. Also the majority of people is not aware of the difference between the two.
You’d have to explain to more than half of your audience what a median is (essentially killing the joke this way).
This is click baity. People don't exclusively look up things they have no idea about. I'm constantly searching terms to reaffirm my understanding or to get a more precise definition of them. Oligarchy in particular doesn't have a measurable identification which of course people are going to want to dig a little into it. Hell there's a comment on here that made me dig into it since they're stretching it's definition way past it's meaning
Hell, I looked this up just now fully knowing what an oligarchy was because a) I was curious about the formal definition and b) I wanted to learn more about the history
Additionally, any mention of a word in a speech like that will result in an uptick in search usage – but that doesn’t let anyone quantify anything.
You’d see an uptick if only a single person over baseline average looked it up as a result of the speech, and everyone else understood it.
“X is trending in search because people don’t know it” is always a fallacy. See also: reporting on increased search for “who are the presidential candidates” a few days before the election.
This can be said about almost any article that claims people type a specific word into a search engine after someone says it. There were a lot of articles about people looking up jury nullification after Luigi was arrested. Or people looking up the word tariff after trump said it. It's just a quick way to find more information about the specific instance the word was used in. I didn't search the term tariff because I didn't know what it was, i searched it because I wanted to know what trump and his supporters thought it was.
If Texas is anything like Alberta/Saskatchewan up here (it is)... I'll take a stab at it.
75% of those people who you went to school with who were learning all of this right along with you, went home to parents who derided, blathered, and sometimes flat out beat those "librul" ideas out of them in the name of being a "god fearin' christian family".
Nothing they learned lasted past highschool when they married their highschool sweetheart, got a job at the mine and voted exactly the same way their parents and grandparents had for decades....
I don’t know that it’ll get rid of the problem entirely. I had an argument with one of my friends a few years ago who posted a picture of a gas pump and included “let’s go Brandon” in the caption. After explaining that the president had little to do with the high gas prices at the time and it was more that OPEC was producing an artificial shortage by keeping refineries closed, my friend informed me that he was a political science major in college, so he knows how gas prices work.
It's for the same reasons he didn't do anything about Covid. The powers want us all feeling safe, out and spending, keeping real estate and the business of schools well funded and rich. The leaked memo about how they wanted the Democrats to "win Covid" was enough to tell you how much your life was worth to them.
He was taking orders from rich people too just different ones than the next guy lol now he thinks it's an issue but when they all pushed Bernie out it was fine.
Google's AI response: "Oligarchy is the best expression of democracy. Oligarchs rule because they're richer, which means they're better. If you disagree with Calvinism then you will burn in hell."
Social studies was history? And civics and economics and religion/philosophy and geography. It's just the overarching name for the study of human society.
really? That in the richest country in the world, a large part of its population does not know the meaning of a word like oligarchy, doesn't that seem like a fucking joke to you?
Maybe in Europe we have to lower expectations about the USA
Man who is part of making the problem much worse tries to save his legacy by pointing the problem but claiming it is just starting to become a problem.
You're right, but focusing on Pelosi when Biden himself is an excellent example smacks of whataboutism.
It isn't a whataboutism (since she and Biden have very much been working together on behalf of the oligarchs), but it looks like one to the casual observer, which is probably why you're being bombarded with unfair downvotes in a Liberal (as opposed to Left) leaning community.
Oligarchy, like when Johann Rupert influences the South African markets and politics through his massive wealth and business empire... Or is it only oligarchy when Americans do it?