This PEP specifies a mechanism for storing package requirements in pyproject.toml files such that they are not included in any built distribution of the project.
PEP 735 what is it's goal? Does it solve our dependency hell issue?
A deep dive and out comes this limitation
The mutual compatibility of Dependency Groups is not guaranteed.
The above code, purposefully, does not afford pip a fighting chance.
If there are incompatibilities, it'll come out when trying randomized
Without a means to test for and guarantee mutual compatibility, end users
will always find themselves in dependency hell.
Any combination of requirement files (or dependency groups),
intended for the same venv, MUST always work!
What if this is scaled further, instead of one package, a chain of packages?!
I think you’re expecting this PEP to be something that it is not. It is not supposed to be a full solution to dependency hell (which I’m not really sure that there is). It is supposed to just allow a static method to declare dependencies, notably supporting both Python package and non-Python-package dependencies. There are plenty of use cases for when you might want incompatible sets of dependencies, for a simple example consider a graphics library with both a Vulkan and OpenGL backend. You could reasonably argue that you should allow both to coexist and just select the best one at runtime, but when you’re dealing with native libraries that’s not always possible, and there is no way to make a guarantee about compatibility without excluding all non-pure Python dependencies.
"I was under the impression that PyPI implements validation of the distribution files metadata, but if it does, the validation is not very strict. What is validated strictly is the form data that is sent alongside the distribution files. That can be tweaked as needed to support the metadata emitted by existing setuptools releases.
pip is most likely the most permissive consumer of metadata, thus I don't expect it to do any validation."
The only benefit i can see, is to attempt to bring requirements files into pyproject.toml and an additional layer to abstract away from pip.
^^ this does not keep me awake at night nor is it a substitute for porn
The PEP author's intentions are good, puts focus on a little discussed topic.
The outcome ... questionable
If this is all it's doing, that's not enough. Ignores the elephant in the room.
Which are
fixing dependency conflicts
mutual compatibility
Fixing dependency conflicts would be easier if can work with existing proven tooling. Which acts upon r/w files rather than pyproject.toml, a config file; shouldn't constantly be updated.
Throwing out an alternative. Not making the assumption that more TOML is better. Cuz the contents of those requirements.txt files are rw, not ro. I see pyproject.toml as a ro configuration file.
Do you agree or should pyproject.toml be rw?
Another option, strictly validated YAML.
For the configuration section, before parsing occurs, strict validation occurs against a schema.