I don't normally use iOS devices so when I borrow an iPad it is to play a couple digital boardgame implementations that are available for iOS but not Android: Finished! and Dead Man's Draw
Finished! in particular is pretty addictive and very satisfying when you finally win.
I wanted to recommend DOS2 :( but I’m pretty sure that the 9th gen is enough to run all Baldur’s Gate games, and they’re great too (I had this iPad before my M2 and they worked well)!
Anyway it's a turn-based dungeon crawler where your actions cost dice rolls. Multiple characters with very different gameplay mechanics, all in support of the core loop.
I highly recommend it. Probs put over 100 hours into this bad boi
The Room games are great puzzle/escape room type things where you use the screen to rotate items, flip switches, drag things, etc; it's very tactile and clearly built for a touch screen. Each one takes about 2-4 hours.