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UnitedHealth, employer of slain exec Brian Thompson, found to have overcharged cancer patients for drugs by over 1,000%

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UnitedHealth, employer of slain exec Brian Thompson, found to have overcharged cancer patients for drugs by over 1,000%

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UnitedHealth overcharged cancer patients for drugs by over 1k%

192 12
  • "Employer of Brian Thompson" is such a weird turn of phrase. while factually correct, it somehow manages to leave out that this particular employee also ran the show.

    • Well, yes and no. BT ran a subdivision of the giant megacorp, called UnitedHealth Care. Andrew Witty (I think, I'm not wasting energy looking his name up to make sure I spelled it correctly) is the CEO of that larger, even worse corp, called UnitedHealth Group. And he makes the real murderbux.

      • That's one of the reasons why corporations structure themselves vertically like you just described: they hope to dilute responsibility and compartmentalize legal impacts.

        Brian Thompson and Andrew Witty didn't run their bits of the company in total separation: they talked to each other. They are equally guilty, the structure of the company doesn't split the blame in two parts. In fact, you could easily argue that they probably conspired to achieve the same outcome, which makes it even worse.

  • If they had taken the money directly from the patients pockets, they would be in jail for between 7-20 years depending on the total amount they overcharged. Cancer drugs are crazy expensive in general so it could easily be a class 1 felony.

    Oh but just have 'an algorithm' do the overcharging and suddenly it's just a wittle oopsie. Yeah we fucking stole money from vulnerable people grappling with, and trying to fight cancer. And yeah, those fraudulently inflated bills probably caused many people to suffer massive depression and/or forgo live saving treatment. But you have to understand, Brian for an extra free million for himself, and shareholders saw a 1% increase in short term valuation.

    The supreme Court is the next big item after Trump faces the inevitable. Many of them fucking consider corporations legally the same as a person except for when it comes to any type of punishment or negative consequence.

    These traitors are the antithesis of the American people and it's time for them to water the tree of freedom as penance.