On December 14, James Harr, the owner of an online store called ComradeWorkwear, announced on social media that he planned to sell a deck of “Most Wanted CEO” playing cards, satirizing the infamous “Most-wanted Iraqi playing cards” introduced by the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency in 2003. Per the....
Really highlights the fact that any free speech and naive western sense of freedom in these walled garden is just a button press away from being taken away and that there are no rules or standards. Whenever the owners or their friends feel even slightly displeased, annoyed or god forbid afraid the masks go off and the hammer falls.
Sadly look at email. Technically you can host it yourself but if you're not one of the 15 or so big providers, good luck not being marked as spam before you even do anything.
The real problem is with the oligarchy controlling everything, service or protocol. This is why Threads was/is dangerous.
Do protocols solve the problem of every hop in between you and the destination has to pass through what amounts to someone else's private property? Some private servers owned by who knows who on the way between that we have no idea whether they're inspecting every packet that comes through or not.
Because that's the bigger issue, and I'm not even sure it's one we can solve, because it's pretty important to how the internet functions.
A protocol still has to be supported and passed through private corporations walled gardens.
Who else remembers Comcast illegally using Sandvine to throttle bittorrent traffic specifically? Pepperidge Farm 'members.
They've been getting away with their class-war for so long any deviation from norms is alarming. Usually we just talk about black vs white, right vs left, etc.
That is a fair point. I've said it to numerous people talking about this subject: Americans are the most propaganda inundated people on the planet. There's some quote about about how in China people know to not believe in the gov propaganda and here it's just called the news lmao
Having the suit one corner and the rank in the other is going to make these a bastard to play games with. How would you hold them in your hand so's that you can see both?
Honestly? That very much feels like a "fuck around and find out" situation and a GREAT way to piss off rich people in the event someone else gets blue shelled.
Also: Free speech doesn't apply to social media. You can and will be banned for no reason other than someone with the power was bored.
Yeah, but I don’t think you’d even need to take out 52. After the first dozen or so, they’ll be more inclined to surrender their wealth and get off the list.
I think the cards are hilarious but they have something the other referenced sets (Iraqi, COVID) do not: silhouette targets on the back.
I am by no means defending their removal but cards but maybe don't give them a plausible excuse to remove them by implying that these cards are for shooting??
I agree... What is it like 10% own 90% of the stock market, 1% own 50% or something like that? Major shareholders are the real evil oligarchy... CEOs are just shills they hire to take the bullet, same as politicians but paid better... I'd love to see some playing cards for the real oligarchy... But it's pretty hard to really track them because they hide behind corporations and shit
Well, yeah, platforms (unless otherwise specified) are for-profit. Anything that would impede their profit stream is naturally going to be censored so that profit can continue uninterrupted.
Can’t have some idiot poor going around making richoids uncomfortable, they’d just pull their money, and that would mean less money going to the platforms.
Step 1: profit.
Step 2: profit.
All other steps: profit. EZPZ
The site comrade workwear opens with them on the front page, i was curious what type of workwear they had after this article.
I'm looking for a replacement for dickies and another one, their quality has been absolute ass lately. €100 work jeans that get holes in them in a matter of days, those are not work jeans anymore.
No different from the dozens of other targets made as targets with the face of political figures centered as the bullseye, imo. If one is fine, it's all fine.
Just as credible as social media platforms claiming they protect free speech, or corporations that claim they care about anything other than shareholders profits. Or Trump claiming he doesn't support project 2025.
The theory is that you could stretch it to fall under incitement, not sure if something quite like it has ever been prosecuted, but near everyone includes similar disclaimers if they want to do something like this.