The tech centimillionaire, who is known for taking droves of wellness supplements, has backtracked on one of his special pills.
Bryan Johnson, a 46-year-old tech multimillionaire focused on anti-aging, stopped using rapamycin—a supplement he took for five years—after research suggested it might accelerate aging.
Johnson cited side effects like skin infections and glucose issues, as well as findings from a recent study showing rapamycin could worsen epigenetic aging.
Known for extreme anti-aging experiments, Johnson also created the health startup Blueprint, which markets pricey supplements.
His controversial methods, including teenage blood transfusions and genital shock treatments, have raised skepticism about their effectiveness and safety.
It's an unpopular opinion, but I actually appreciate this guy and what he is doing. He has opted to open his entire research and data to anyone that wants to look at it. So, even though he is definitely a weirdo, the data he is providing might be of some use.
I don't want to look like a vampire, but if his research leads to the discovery of some protein that allows my heart to beat at full strength for a little longer, or slows down the onset of dementia, etc., then I'm all for him wasting his money trying to look like a Twilight cast member.
But he's involving so many variables, is his data even useful? I don't understand how you could extrapolate anything from a guy who takes so many supplements that may cause conflicting outcomes.
Someone who has a background in science would know that testing on a single person is not very useful for what other posters are wishing for (new proteins, new anti aging treatments).
This billionaire has age dysmorphia and is using his wealth to experiment around. It’s unfortunate really.
This isn't real research ... it's just a millionaire spending money on trying to live longer for themselves while selling and marketing products on the side.
If it were real research, it would involve a group of recognized researchers and scientists testing products and activities on a small group of volunteers who are fully aware of what they are participating in. And the research has to last for several years using multiple controls.
Watching one guy testing and trying out a few things whenever he feels like it and done at his own whim and under only his opinion and likes and dislikes is not research.
The biggest contribution he has to longevity is in promoting and advertising the fact that one of the ways to extend your lifespan is to become a millionaire.
If it were real research, it would involve a group of recognized researchers and scientists testing products and activities on a small group of volunteers who are fully aware of what they are participating in. And the research has to last for several years using multiple controls.
For most of the time since the start of the Scientific Revolution, the way this guy does research was the standard way that research was done. Controlled clinical trials certainly have an important role in the development of new medicines, but they're slow and expensive. They aren't good tools for quickly trying out a lot of very speculative ideas. I expect that if a powerful anti-aging technique is discovered, it will be used for self-experimentation years before a clinical trial.
A couple of caveats: first, I think that a powerful anti-aging technique is probably not possible with today's technology or the technology of the near future. Second, I think the self-experimentation is more likely to be done by a scientist in an academic lab studying senescence than by someone doing research outside of academia.
Single case design is a field of a research that can provide a great deal of value on efficacy for worth of larger trials but the way he’s approaching it, as others have said, is functionally useless. The data is likely pointless if you’ve thrown 100 confounding variables at the wall to see what sticks
Hah, sounds like his "research" is trying it out on himself and deciding he didn't like it. And now that he doesn't like it, all of a sudden he finds the research valid. He's still only listening to opinions he agrees with. What a shallow twat.
People who are obsessed with some physical quality about themselves always make whatever the issue is, like 1000% worse than if they just left it alone and lived normally.
Every time I think of Dennis Reynolds, I'm reminded of the episode where he tries to sell his car that got stuck in water, and he berates the guy for mentioning how the car isn't even runnable.
I watched his video describing a day in his life, sleep at 8pm and wake up at 5am, then take 50 pills, his whole day revolved around preparing for sleep, which he said was the most important thing, so I guess he's right about that. But just thinking a tiny change in his life, even travelling, will upset this routine, then what, the stress from that routine is probably aging him the most.
That’s the thing, he might live a bit longer but at what cost? I would much rather enjoy my life than by a slave to a miserable routine dedicated to promoting longevity that will potentially buy me an extra decade. Like I can just eat a somewhat reasonable diet, exercise, sleep okay and with decent genetics based on my parents and grandparents I will probably make it to at least mid to late 80s, maybe longer if medicine advances. If I had genetics that suggested a strong likelihood that I would die in my 60s I would maybe be more interested
With this guys routine I could maybe push that to 100ish? I would certainly love to extend my life but not at the cost of it consuming my life. I assume he’s banking on getting to the theoretical max though, which is probably closer to 120ish, and that is substantial but then it’s like a few decades of extremely decreased mobility and mental acuity? Eh
And of course this all disregards the potential that you get cancer, murdered, car accident, etc.
I truly believe he loves doing this so no cost to him as far as mental health/stress goes. Sounds like you are doing most things right so that pretty much covers the 80/20 rule. Johnson is trying to live indefinitely without losing mobility or mental faculties. It's great that we have someone testing things out and adjusting when things don't work.
I'm in my forties and he doesn't look noticeably younger than I do except for my hair being salt and pepper. I don't look exceptionally young or anything, it just doesn't seem like his regimen is really doing anything that diet, exercise, and sunscreen can't also accomplish.
I can imagine that having a hyperfocus on anti-aging and unstoppably aging at the same time, must be really stressful and at the end of the day, ends up contributing to a faster aging overall.
Yeah I remember seeing some stupid post somewhere about this guy saying "can you believe this man is only 45" and everyone in the comments saying "um yes that is what 45 year olds look like."
You have to see this guy's routine. His life is built around attempting to extend his longevity. He lives like a luxurious lab rat being pocked, prodded, measured and eats/drinks/sleeps/exercises on a ultra-strick program.
If he hits on an effective anti-aging treatment from his efforts then he'll help billions that way instead. Pretty much everyone eventually suffers from aging if they live long enough.
It's so completely unfair that idiots like this guy make millions of snake oil "experiments" that don't even work, but people who dedicate all their time and energy into a labor of love are left to rot
I ran across a YouTube video of this guy a couple months ago because a popular YT fitness guy (rock climber) I watch went and interviewed him and did some physical 'age tests' with him as well as just talk about his daily routines.
He doesn't come across as batshit crazy in the video, but obviously he's a bit obsessive over this whole thing.
The funniest part about it was that Magnus (Climber) matched or exceeded him in almost all the physical 'age tests' they performed. Of course, Magnus would also outperform most other people in most physical tests but that didn't make it any less humorous. On the "not as batshit as I imagined" list, he also seemed fairly supportive/genuine of Magnus' results/abilities during the video.
I don't believe this guy (Bryan) has a lot of bad habits, his whole life seems to revolve around this life extending plan. I'm not at all defending/justifying him, but he had a pretty good answer regarding what supplements are best when Magnus asked. His response was "The ones you are deficient in"
Again, as I said above, in the linked video he doesn't scream "batshit crazy" but just really eccentric!
I'm out of the loop, I don't know who he is and I'm not sure I've heard about the drug earlier. But IMO, at least he did that. Instead of only peddling dreams to others for a hefty price
If this is the guy I'm thinking of, he's doing both.
Extreme workouts, diets, medical interventions (blood transfusions, etc.), general body weirdness that would be classed as some variety of anorexia nervosa if he were younger and poorer, and a regimen of pills. He's selling the pills.
Oh, and ladies? He's looking to to reenter the dating market. I guess that's neither here nor there, but for some reason he's available!!!
To think that a societal collapse would stop a billionaire from hiring armed guards is absurd. By the time that guy is murdered, you'll be so long dead.
Every fiction writer who described dystopian futures in which the wealthy sought life extension in order to continue amassing control and wealth should pat themselves on the back. Yeah, people and the rulers have always wished for life extending magic, but the dystopia factor is spot on.
He seems to actually believe there is a way to live forever. And he's spending millions per year to get there. He said he wants to show the world how to stop ageing. When asked how everybody should be able to spend as much resources as he does, he said society has to figure that out. Besides the fact that cost-intense trestments will only benefit the wealthy there wasn't one word about overall resource management, when people will die much later, but babies are born continuously. And the sentence about society has to figure it out really made me angry. Society already figured out billionairs are an issue and often enough the cause for many poor people suffering. But this doesn't change anything, cause the rich make the rules.