I would recommend at least giving it a day or two. Sometimes the last seeder is someone who only seeds at night to avoid congestion on their LAN or save power or whatever
I haven't torrented in many years. But I wanted to give a shoutout to all of the seeders that come back online, so I we could finish. There were many movies I had qued. Most were fine and finished up in three days or less, some started then stopped before they even reached the 15% mark, and several would make it to 98% then stop. Thankfully, there were some people out there who finally came back online and seeded enough for me to finish the dls. I made sure to seed enough peers to where there would be 10 seeders before I would consider removing it.
And a huge fucking thank you to whoever the hell came back online to let me get some obscure TV show called The Legend Of Mick Dodge. I started to dl when there were only 2 seeders. Then it soon became 0 seeders. I held out because I wasn't able to find a trusted torrent for the show. So I ended up sitting on that for a bit over a month. Then one morning, I checked my list and found to my surprise that both season 1 and season 2 were complete. I was shocked when I found out that there were now 7 seeders including me. And because of the annoying wait I had to endure, I made sure to seed the MFer for 2+ months before transferring it.
About 3 years ago I got tired of stuck torrent queues and spent a few hours learning what Usenet is and it's various components. A little learning curve compared to torrents, but very comparable in the end. The only major difference is having to pay for a Usenet provider VPN and potentially subscribing to Usenet boards for membership.
I bought a yearly sub to a provider and lifetime sub to a very well know board. I justify the cost as money that would be wasted on a subscription service, except half the yearly cost. Usenet is now the primary download in my arr stack with torrent as a backup.
In my experience Usenet performs much faster than torrent, and there's no seeding requirement at all. Just grab and go. And it seems to have about 90% of what I'm looking for, from anime to old shows\movies (1950s to 20XX).
I've tried a few times to really wrap my head around Usenet and I've got a couple of bookmarked tabs but... Man, I even had trouble setting up the arrs. My brain might be a bit too smooth these days.
The arr setup is confusing at first, but once you get one the rest are lock-step. I suggest checking out prowlarr which will simplify your indexer setup on the arrs. I'm sure there's a YouTube around that you can follow along too. Don't give up!
I was introduced to Block News a number of years ago, myself. I have since switched to an unlimited account. Usenet has absolutely transformed how I pirate. Once it's set up, it's so much easier, quicker, and safer.
Agree. I'll need to check out Block News and see if they have any lifetime sales around the holidays. I bought a lifetime for my current board a few years ago for half price. Well worth it!
It may have been at one time but you now need to pay for a VPN or "Usenet provider" to connect to them. I pay yearly $70 for my Usenet provider and another $70 for my private VPN for torrents. There was a one time cost to my board of $100, but it's a lifetime pass I got on 50% sale during the holidays. Both would equate to roughly one year of a single subscription service if you wanted to dock your boat on a single island.
none of mine were stuck, I seeded 5000+ movies/series/games/music. mostly use Usenet now, but my library is shared on soulseek and I do ratio at least 1-2 before I remove it. I upload 1TB a day on average.
Those were some entertaining movies (as I recall—I don't know if I've seen them since I was barely into double-digit age). Worthwhile, even if they are based on beliefs I don't share.
Most of the stuff I torrent is off archive.org nowadays, but I've found way too many archive.org torrents that sit at 99.7% complete. I can't figure out why that is. I've tried rechecking, redownloading, and so forth, but it just... Doesn't finish.
Usually this is because early in the torrent’s life, there were one or two files that people didn’t want to download for various reasons and eventually, nobody was seeding them anymore. This is why a lot of private trackers prohibit partial downloads
What's frustrating to me is that in theory none of the torrents/magnet links should get stuck, as they have archive.org set as a direct download/web source backup. But I've literally never seen that feature fucking work. Ever.
I would recommend jdownloader for archive.org. It's very clunky software but does the job. Another problem with torrents from archive.org is that they often seen to only include a portion of the actual content. For example, if there's 80gb of content, the torrent only has 20gb. I used to think it was just big stuff that this happens with but I've even come across an album that was like 150mb but the torrent only included the first two songs. And no one there seems to be interested in ever fixing it because this has been an issue for ages on that website. I'm afraid that torrents from archive.org are just too unreliable.
Out of curiosity, were you using a private tracker? VPN? Just interested in the circumstances. Obviously something anyone who downloads has in the back of their minds. I remember getting a letter 20+ years ago, addressed to my dad from Verizon, to cut it out. I got smarter after that, or so I think.
no, I was 15.. well I still am, it wasn't that long ago, and I had been torrenting for 3 years, I believe, nothing ever happened. I also didnt know anything about private trackers, I tried getting into it once, but practically anything that costs money I would have to ask my parents for, and I'm too shy for that. Anyways, I was always saying "yeah I'm gonna get a VPN..." never did. Now my parents had to pay the price for that. I might get a VPN when I get my own bank account and stuff.. in 3 years, so I'm responsible for it.
yes, I now have to use shitty streaming sites that are slow, unreliable and have absolutely no "rare" content. Also I won't be able to build a collection, which leaves me feeling incomplete and miserable. I don't know why this bothers me so much, but it does.
Five as well. A bunch recently cleared out for no explicable reasons (other than seeders mysteriously showed up).
I recently turned to piracy after being a dedicated ‘churner’ keeping only on service a month. So I have a lot of catching up to do. Five miscellaneous things hanging out in the queue is no problem.
No longer stuck but Iron Monkey took about 2 months on/off until I got the whole thing. I try to seed where I can but internet isn't the best and sometimes there just isn't a lot of demand. That one's at 0.07 right now because not a lot of people downloading
I have probably 2 or 3 stuck for movies, and thousands stuck for music. Radarr and lidarr adds them automatically, and after many months, they do actually finish downloading
I have like two because I chose nordvpn and they don't have the ports open for DHT to work properly. My sub ends in November and I'll switch to Proton is the world is still turning.
Last October I pirated around 100 horror movies and only 2 of them took longer than a day.
Beyond the Black Rainbow (2010) - took a couple of days, it was stuck at 10% for a while and one day i wake up and the whole thing finished in like 6 hours. I'm guessing someone turned on a pc that had been off for a long time lol.
Cabin Fever (2002) - this one took over a week and I was deadset on not paying for it so I just let it sit, pretty much the same thing with the previous torrent, it was stuck at a low percentage for a long time and then one day I hop on my computer and it had fully finished.
Other than that, a lot of Japanese films or foreign films in general will take a long time if they're not that popular. If I don't care too much I'll just delete it and forget about it.