"Caring about things is cringe, like, gag me. Voting doesn't do ANYTHING so I sit it out unlike you chumps, and I'm telling my kids the same thing."
"Why aren't any interests represented? That must be somebody's fault. Somebody who isn't me. Hey, did you get your tickets for Star Wars Celebration yet?"
I am disappointed but not surprised by my generation at all. Last generation where general racism and other boomer traits could really take hold thanks to boomer parents passing them on. We’re also getting old enough for some of us to embrace that “get off my lawn” mentality.
Also let's be frank, it's a class divide. Boomers had a huge leg up, and then those who amassed great wealth are the ones we see in power making decisions that close doors to the younger generations.
But back to my point, of course those who have had 60+ years to amass and invest wealth are going to be richer, especially when they had something to invest at the start.
I think when we consider that Gen Z men are running to the right, we should rethink boomers as a scapegoat. It's not the boomers. It's the rich and the Andrew Tates of the world who are in the boxing ring.
Like I could probably take down a random boomer, but a billionaire could hire Mike Tyson and I'd be fucked in the ring.
I think culture is a pretty useful grouping for assessing a lot of traits and behaviours. Sure, it depends on the culture and the trait you are assessing, but as groupings go there are entire academic fields devoted to the study of how those things work.
Similarly with economic factors and class. These can be useful in describing proportions of a population. And how they react relative, again, providing the trait we are assessing is relative to that factor.
I know you are probably just being glib, and you are right that and generalisation can be pretty useless. But I still think the exceedingly broad "generation" is the most useless.
Yes, but those events and the relative importance of those events are highly variable.
Someone living in the 80s in a small town in Scotland is unlikely to have lived through the same 80s as someone running a FTSE company in New York at that time.
There's this idea, and I think it is particularly American, that the whole world lives to their narrative. The narrative of the rather privileged middle class.
For example when we talk about the 80s the narrative is big hair, cocaine, excess... But that's only true of a very small proportion of the world. I know plenty of folk that didn't see a cell phone until the early 2000s.
Is it that they're less left leaning? Cause when you put the names of the candidates there (Obama vs Harris), it just sounds like a weaker candidate that didn't move their base as much.
Eh. The Gen Xers I know all admit they'd be fucked in today's housing market if they didn't already have theirs. The are generally very sympathetic and appreciate how lucky they are.
To modify this comic, they sit down for a show and are quickly horrified at the brutality of the spectacle.
I'm so tough. I'm the toughest. Gen Z and Boomers aren't tough enough. I'm the though one. Yeah, I might have been neglected as a child but that made me tough, definitely not emotionally stunted. Tough tough tough. I'm tough.
I'm near the start of the millennial generation, my older brothers are Gen x and more in-between than I am. There's about 5-6 years between all of us and we represent two generations in varying degrees.
Xennials are the micro-generation of people on the cusp of the Generation X and Millennial demographic cohorts.
Many researchers and popular media use birth years from 1977 to 1983,[1] though some extend this further in either direction.[2][3] Xennials are described as having had an analog childhood and a digital young adulthood. Xennials are almost exclusively the children of baby boomers and came of age during a rapidly changing period that was the 1990s.
Ehh. They mostly rode the coattails of the boomers. I dunno if I can reasonably get angry at them for taking advantage of the opportunity that the boomers made for them to prosper.
It's the boomers that own, and frequently still run the companies that are ruining the economy. That's for fucking sure. Gen x just got a free ride.
Of all the people I know, the Gen x are the most likely to just be coasting through life because they were downright given all the opportunities and never really struggled for much.
Fighting? Us Gen Xers followed in the system the boomers laid out. What fighting??? The older Gen Xers got past the door. The younger half got shut out.
When a bunch of old MAGA bastards stormed the Capitol, were they using walkers because they're over 70 on average or were they a crowd about 45-60 in age?