New research examines how much global warming has sapped the Colorado River since 2000. It shows the region has lost more water than Lake Mead can hold.
Oh? Yet another study that says climate change is going absolutely ass rape us if we don't do something about green house gases and fossil fuel usage? Nah this is just propaganda. And... There's low water levels cause the government took the water and is just hiding it in a big facility somewhere. And... The snowpacks that usually supply water to the Colorado were just moved by undercover agents to a ski resort. And... Megadrought across the southwest is just a natural occurrence that could happen anytime and has nothing to do with fossil fuels. And... The insanely high temperatures across the southwest over the last quarter century that are continuing to rise are just fake news. I mean it snowed a few months ago in Colorado!
I don't think we need to change anything. These kooky scientists don't know anything! I mean they can't even tell me if it's gonna rain tomorrow. Smh
Note its not just climate thats causing the water shortage. The article even mentions that a bunch of that water is being used for livestock feed like alfalfa. It takes ~620 gallons of water to make a 150g hamburger and ~859 gallons for a gallon of milk (1). And 56 percent of the water of the colorado river is used for growing livestock feed (2).
Climate change is important to have in the conversation about our rivers drying up, but we can't forget about the elephant (or cow) in the room.