This girl, Abby texted the group chat to tell us something bad happened to our friend Ella, that her mom sent a message saying she collapsed and fainted.
It had been several hours, and Abby said Ella hasn't woken up yet, according to her mother.
I was worried, vented to my family about it, and tried calling her number. It appeared her phone had been turned off.
Later, Ella told me and her BF Michael that it was a prank and that her phone was off because she was on a plane. She was bored and thought no one would care if she was in an actual coma.
his office was in a basement so it was very dark when he opened the door, saw a silhouette and pulled his piece while shouting dont move.. he figured it out pretty quick after that moment, but it was hilarious.
i then took the mannequin and put it on the desk of the elected county clerk.. she just screamed. That one i got on video and played for her staff as i setup a webcam to catch her screams.
i got the mannequin from a fellow employee who moonlighted at kohls. totally worth it. so many uses.
I had a similar thing happen with an ex when we were dating as teenagers. She had one of her friends call and leave a voicemail pretending to be a nurse telling me my SO had died as the result of an accident while visiting friends in another town. They left me believing this for days.
These types of people are best to cut from your life and avoid at all costs. This is only the beginning of their torturous acts.
Many many years ago, a friend of mine installed a remote control plugin on another friends Foobar (music player) without their knowledge. He then proceeded to troll by messing with the volume and the track playing, not only when he was visiting but also when he would pass by the house. He would check if Foobar was being used and then would troll a bit before continuing. This went on for about 4 months. The other dude was going insane trying to figure out what was happening.
Some people in my high school began saying that someone in their class died in a motorcycle crash. I'll call the "dead" kid Nel.
So Nel has a motorcycle (here in Costa Rica there are some sort of scooter-like motorcycles that you can drive without needing a license as long as you are at least 13 years old)
So I enter the classroom these guys were at, and they tell me Nel is dead. I asked why, and their answer was "Because he tried to protect a beautiful girl from an incoming car and the car hit him".
I actually believed them for 15 mins until someone calls them out, and it turns out there was no crash. Nel just had a fever and didn't go to school for the day.
Hours later I realized their argument didn't make sense. If Nel had protected another person from an incoming car, it would still hit the 2 anyways.
At the end I was called a whiny removed because apparently I can't tolerate dark humor.