As processing times for some parent immigration visas balloon out to almost 30 years, the families hoping to be reunited for good are left in limbo
What do you think? As a migrant myself I have to confess I'm not that on board with expecting aged parents to be part of the package when migrating over, even my own aunts and uncles who are currently going through the process via their own children.
However, it is cruel of the Australian government to keep providing "hope" and taking people's application fees when they have understandably little intention of increasing the aged migrant intake. I think they should cut the crap and stop offering these visas if reducing aged migrant intake is their intention. Just keep on the long term visit visas for parents, whack on a mandatory private health insurance clause if needed.
I think the main issue here is the difference in estimated wait times on the website vs the actual wait times which is many years longer. How hard is it to provide accurate and up-to-date information for people to make a decision when applying.
Agree. But the government also shouldn't be taking around $50k from these people saying that the wait for a visa is around a year, when in reality it may never happen.
But the government also shouldn’t be taking around $50k from these people saying that the wait for a visa is around a year, when in reality it may never happen.
They're not. While the total cost is ~$50k, you only pay $2800 when you apply (for a single person, extra but smaller fees for dependants etc) The remainder of the ~$50k is paid when the visa is approved. So if you don't get it approved for 12 years, you've only paid $2800. If it's approved you then would have to pay another ~$48k before you come.
edit: odd downvotes for just stating facts. The costs are listed out in the government visa pages. The timelines for the payments are listed on said pages. You do not pay $50k and then wait years and years and years for a visa. You pay $3k and then wait years and years and years to get a visa, and if you do get a visa you then pay the remaining $47k.