Iraq is closer to amending its marriage laws which would lower the legal age of consent from 18 to nine, allowing old men to marry young girls, according to a report in The Telegraph. Dominant Shia Muslim parties in the Iraqi Parliament have proposed an amendment to the country's "personal status law" that could see a Taliban-style rollback of all women's rights. If passed, the legal changes will deprive the Iraqi women of rights to divorce, child custody and inheritance as well.
This shit right here is why everyone else hates islam. And why there's such a huge shift to islamo"phobia" nowadays. The religion should be banned and all their religious leaders should be jailed for eternity.
Edit: To all the downvoters: Care to explain how not wanting the religious nuts to take away rights from women around me is bad?
I mean, you only can see so many news about women, gay people, trans people and everyone else being oppressed in islamist countries before you get pissed off a little.
And they want to bring that shit here. That's not made up by me, that's their words. I'm not against immigrants - anyone who wants to escape those shitholes is welcome if I have anything to say.
I'm just saying that we should not tolerate that violent cult. If you want to believe that god thinks a man is above women, that gay should be stoned to death and other nice things in this "religion of peace", your place is far away from where civilized people live.
And if you're a religious leader who puts these nonsenses into other people's heads, you should be jailed for endangering the public.
I heard about a dude who killed someone with a teaspoon. I think we should ban teaspoons.
See how ridiculous that is. It’s on the same level as you grouping billions of people together by the actions of a few.
White priests were molesting children so by your metric everyone following that religion was also doing that.
Edit: I live in Manchester, UK. Whenever something bad has happened in the city. The Muslim community are the first ones out here feeding people and taking care of people via volunteering or whatever.
White priests were molesting children so by your metric everyone following that religion was also doing that.
No, if you actually read what I wrote: all the priests should go to jail and the religion should be banned. I think I've gone enough against the Lemmy hive-mind even without you putting your (surely unintended) lies into my mouth.
I heard about a dude who killed someone with a teaspoon.
How unfortunate! Once you start hearing about it every other week, maybe we should do something about that, cause that would imply spoons make it easier to kill someone and should be banned. Like we do with guns, you know?
As with guns, spoons, or religion, it's the people that are the problem, not the instruments they use. But if you take away their tools, it gets harder for them.