Every other PC handheld runs at 1080+. And while I agree 800p is the ideal resolution there's clearly a market for higher resolution. Especially for those of us running lighter games.
oh I'm good where I am with the deck. in future I'm sure it will get smaller, not bigger.
that, and competitors can't seem to come up with a decent trackpad the way steam deck has. so competitors will need more than a higher resolution and a huge fat monitor.
Yeah, how is it that none of these so-called "rivals" have even a single touchpad? I personally wouldn't even consider a device that forces me to use a thumbstick as a mouse.
Lmfao. I didn't even notice that. Damn. They didn't even put the joystick next to the buttons on the right side like the steam deck for better ergonomic, they STILL put it under the buttons.
I find it absolutely hilarious that every single company has a "Steam Deck killer" yet not a single one of them have any idea what made the Steam Deck popular, all they understand is PC handheld with controller (Lenovo is starting to catch on tho).
The steam deck the absolute most ergonomic handheld I've ever tried. It's so fucking comfortable to game on. I love how they put the joystick the same level as the buttons where my thumb moves very naturally between the two. It has amazing touchpads. Great battery and performance. It's just an amazing device.
I'm stoked about the removable controllers, though. I'm gimpy AF so even the steam deck is too heavy. I ended up with a Legion Go and love that I can use it with wireless controllers and the kickstand.
Hot take, but I see it having a market for people who just want to play on a tablet dedicated to gaming without futzing with peripherals. During break I stole my daughter's tablet to play Gameboy games and it was possibly better than my deck (lighter weight, bigger screen, and shaders that give it a pixel grid w/ a GBC border frame).
This big thing is still not for me, though, as I'd prefer the versatility of going portrait mode because I would likely use it as a 3DS emulator depending on how good the touch is. DS screens fit quite comfortably on tablets in portrait mode. (Assuming I even have the disposable income, which I do not).
Someone was always going to do an XL version for people who want something thats more "portable gaming station" than "handheld". I dont know why people seem to be removed about having options.
Yes, but how can you train your beautiful gamer biceps then? You can have all that beautiful extra train and stay in shape while playing your favorite games. A double win!
My issue is power consumption. Where I live, I rely on solar panels and batteries, and the steam deck is less power hungry than a laptop with graphics card.
True, but iPads don't have inbuilt controllers, and packing one would inherently make it less portable than a deck. I think if you're making a portable gaming system, your maximum screen size is sharply constrained by the form factor of the controller around it.
This device is basically a windows tablet with detatchable controllers. This will probably me more portable than if the controllers were always connected.
Honestly, it kinda makes sense with the detachable controllers. It's essentially a very powerful tablet. It's less practical but it serves a different niche than the Steam Deck IMO.
I get it, but it wouldn't be a handheld anymore. What's a handheld if it makes your arm tired after a couple of minutes? Plus, the battery life on this thing is going to be abysmal with the 55wah battery they put in it.
This is the kind of thing you take with you on vacation in a motorhome at a campsite. Situations where a PC is not practical but you're stationary enough to not have to worry about the size or the battery life.
A laptop does not support attached controllers for hand-holding. Seems pretty obvious.
I cannot hold my hands in the air indefinitely. Even completely empty my arms will get tired after a few short minutes, much less several hours. My Steam Deck gets held on my lap or on a table or something like that.
OneXPlayer has something similar that I actually considered buying (but ultimately didn't for several reasons) that includes a keyboard and (laptop) trackpad and a pen. If I can buy 1 device that can do both handheld gaming and also laptop productivity, I can save a whole lot of money...
The Steam Desk isn't cumbersome tho, at least not more cumbersome than any laptop would be. I really struggle to see how any of the concerns in this thread are legit.
If there were competative gaming laptops that had the samr power as a Deck then people would be buying those instead of Steam Decks, that's why they're so popular.
TBH this thread sounds like a marketing campaign that idiot c-suies would assign to a troll farm instead of actually competing with their competitors.
I've doing bezels play an additional role of protecting the screen. My most fragile monitor is the one with almost no bezel-- a tiny bump and kaboom, fucked monitor. I'm sure that plays a part in the design decision.
Bigger screen will make touchscreen typing on a keyboard less of a PITA
Some games require rarely typing into the on screen keyboard, and as much as I like my ROG Ally, the small screen makes the onscreen keyboard a real pain to type on
Honestly what I'd like is a secondary N64 style center back handle that I can hold with 1 hand while I type with the other, to make the typing way more stable.
Awkwardly holding it out on the left side way off center fulcrums it as I type, which makes it less stable. You need some genuine wrist strength to fight against that lever action while typing.
So, instead, I usually awkwardly rest it in my lap while I try and type so it's stable at least. But this moves the screen a lot farther away so now I gotta squint at the small ass letters as I aim and type. Makes me feel like a goddamn boomer having to adjust my glasses and squint at the screen.
So... yeah I dunno, I feel like this is something that could use a better solution.
I have a onexplayer and it's freaking heavy as hell. I love the steam deck. It is better in every aspect, especially the ergonomics of it. I despise how all of these devices have the right joystick under the buttons. It's so awkward
I'm always a fan of companies making something new rather than the same old same old (identical black rectangles being the classic example). Yeah a lot of them are terrible but I think they get points for trying!
Im down with the screen size but it really needs 4 back buttons instead of 2 and at least 1 trackpad for me to really consider any handheld. I also really like the scroll wheel on my legion go but I can do without on that
even with the tiny switch screen we played smash ult on it in kickstand mode with controllers in the break room. turns out if everyone uses dual joycon you get mad input lag before reaching max players. surprisingly playable if everyone can see.
with a bigger lug like this that would be a nicer experience with less squishing together
Aren't you missing the point? The portability and formfactor (controller) is what makes handheld pcs like this worthwhile. A laptop is a laptop, it's not really made for portable play and you'd need to lug around a controller.
I stopped using Reddit because of shitposts like these and here we are again.
I'm not being bitter. I just feel that the wording of the original post is pretty baity. You're unhappy with size and weight, and that is a valid point worth discussing. But making the jump to laptops? Hyperbolic engagement bait. I don't like it. If others do, that's fine. But I feel this trend of engagement bait is bad for platforms in general. And I want to keep the illusion up that lemmy is better than this.
If it isn't, then I still feel it's worthwhile to point out that discussions can be had without the hyperbole.
At what point does the screen become too big and it’s cumbersome and not very mobile, requiring you to hold this large heavy thing in your hands as the big screen is also the controller?
You’re whining about needing to lug around a controller as if that is some big task that kills portability but you’re still lugging around a big ass fucking screen that you must hold the entire time to use.
You say laptops aren’t really made for portable play but that is entirely false, SO many laptops are built exclusively as portable gaming solutions (and guess what, they work!)
Also, I don’t see how this relates to Reddit at all? You left Reddit because of shitposts like this? It’s just an opinion post about 3rd party evolutions similar to the deck in a deck community… what is so awful about this? It clearly spurred multiple discussions.
You don’t have to agree with every opinion/discussion post for a community to have value.
I think I made it clear why this reminded me of bad reddit posts.
You clearly have more knowledge about portable gaming laptops than I have. So my opinion might be based in ignorance. I am hardly whining though.
I feel like having several items (laptop plus controller) to carry around is a bigger dealbreaker than having a bigger device. Though I agree that an increase in size and weight can be problematic.
I also never wanted to imply that this community has no value and I am sorry I gave that impression.