I stand for all that I wrote last week - this is a fantastic game that unfortunately is also quite frustrating due to some poor decisions on dungeon design and combat balance.
I’ve finally finished Saint’s Row: The Third (after having it on the device for 2+ years), couldn’t be bothered to do the DLCs. This weekend I’ll probably start Saint’s Row IV or RICO - both also bought years ago and collecting dust since.
I'm still playing Pokémon Omega Ruby on my 3DS. I have 7 gym badges and currently going through the legendary Pokémon arc.
I mentioned playing Mega Man 7 last time, I beat all the initial bosses except for Turbo Man. The stage was really frustrating, I didn't even reach Turbo Man, so I stopped and will come back to it later. I will probably play other Mega Man titles from the collections on Switch.
I remember trying one of the Mega Man games, don't remember which, and being terrible at it. It was a long time ago though, maybe I should get it another try.
I’m probably finishing off Picross 7 this weekend. I’m on the final color puzzles before giving the giant 30x30s a try. School started up again so I won’t be racing to the next one soon.