It is not a country. So there is nothing like a UN defined name. So no one can force any country to name it the way they want. Don't think it's Trump decision. Maybe the U.S. Board of Geographic Names?
Like you call it Persian Gulf, other countries call it Gulf of Arabia, and Turkey actually even calls it Gulf of Basra. (Btw, you legally have to call it Türkiye nowadays. It actually "changed it's birth certificate" at the UN. Doubt you care about that.)
Facebook to Meta at least makes sense. They didn't change the product name; they just separated the company running the website from the website. And I mean, let's be real... Facebook is a stupid name for a conglomerate.
Everyone seems to forget that Google did exactly the same thing with Alphabet... And then continued to just keep putting all their products under the Google name anyway
It doesn't change much year to year, but I still love going on the regular. I'm a sucker for the miniature train village. The 21+ nights are cute and unique.
If someone calls it X I’ll call it twitter but if somebody still is on there calling it Twitter then I’ll insist on calling it X. You can’t fool yourself, you are still on Elon Musk’s X.
You know, I was going to shit on you because it was a completely different stadium. But then I realized I often call the new home of the NY Giants Giants Stadium.