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Comfort games?

With gaming often bringing me into a really depressive headspace sometimes with how the markets are developing, whats a game you can always go to and just be lost in, or just be happy with?

Personally i would go for advance wars 1 and 2 on the gba (there is no remake and never will be)

the artstyle, the music, the game-play is just simple, yet effective, a sublime experience of very fun times.

Whats yours?

  • It has been a while, but there was a time when, if I was feeling really anxious and almost panicky, a quick playthrough of Enter the Gungeon would chill me right out.

  • I can always go for a game of Age of Empires 2. That game takes me back to my childhood.

  • Star Wars: Racer - I know every track by heart at this point, have it on my Switch and still play quite a bit. Amazing flow state game.

    Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 - absolute classic and the nostalgia I get from playing is unmatched

    Age of Empires 2 - the music is just muah

    KotoR - Best Star Wars game ever made next to Dark Forces 2 and Jedi Outcast

  • For me it's No Mans Sky. I love flying around and checking different planets, it's kind of calming for me.

  • Easily Path of Exile. There's something so relaxing about blowing up the entire screen with one flick of my wrist, and it really gets my endorphins flowing to minmax my stats using third party tools like Path of Building and testing out items on the trade site / changes to my skill tree to see how they'd affect my build.

    To some people it sounds like work, but for me it hits that sweet spot of minmaxing and complexity that no other game really can.

    Edit: I should also mention that lately I've been mostly playing on Steam Deck which has been a revelation for me. Endgame "alch and go" mapping is so perfect for the pick up and play style, only enhanced by having access to it from the couch/toilet.

    • The map system is so good for this. If you manage to get the bewildering learning curve, it's so nice to come home from work and spin a few maps to relax and pick up loot. PoE is so overwhelmingly easily my choice as well.

      • Honestly the learning curve isn't that atrocious. I've always advocated for following a build guide then start looking at ways to personalize it at level ~70 (and with Exarch altars you can farm regrets to respec.)

        Learning the skill tree is hard but it's made much easier when you have a base to modify.

        The learning curve gets really bad when you start trying to craft though. And expensive.

  • Elite Dangerous in VR. I can really disconnect from the real world and just enjoy being a space-pirate bounty hunter.

  • Oddly enough I go through phases where I just level up a character on WoW. It's mindless for me and I can just zone out and watch TV while playing.

  • Dragon Age Origins - love the world, love the story, love the soundtrack, love the companion interactions.

    • For all the hate it gets, Inquisition was this for me as well, when I wanted a relatively simple primary plot where the problem of evil could be solved by hitting it with a sword. The musical interlude "The Dawn Will Come" that happens after the player's party suffers their first big setback has stuck with me as well.