He has rallied the Christofascists around him with four years to reorganize, has escaped all punishment for his first insurrection, has the support of Putin once again, has the world's richest Nazi on side and funding him, and is emboldened.
ELI5 how is Trump any better than Putin? Both seem to be following the same playbook of intimidation and unlawful invasions, showing utter disrespect to international law.
Trump Jr. already started after he got run out after a day though he said je was staying for the week originally. Now He's saying how much they love Trump there.
If the USA attacks another NATO country, article 5 requires that the rest of NATO all pile on. None of those countries could individually do much, but you'd be loosing hundreds of thousands of soldiers and trillions of dollars to possibly take an icy rock with a population of 56000. It's fucking stupid.
In one fell swoop the US would be dismembering itself from its most important geopolitical allies and secondary trade partners. There is absolutely no win here for the US unless NATO balks at US intimidation and decides to let Greenland go without a military response, which would open the door for more US bullying for lunch money. NATO must resist with force. Greenland is not worth the consequences, no matter how many minerals or shipping routes control there are in it. I suspect Trump will try the intimidation to the last moment possible, but i have big doubts that he will actually invade or be allowed to invade and intimidation never worked well against Europeans.