Decision relates to just the US so far but it may affect users in Australia who follow a lot of US-based sources
“[For] people who live in the country or in remote areas or minority groups or [who have] small businesses, that is a really good way for them to communicate and reach other people,” she says.
“It’s just not possible to set up an alternative at this point in time. So, to put it bluntly, we’re in a bit of deep shit, to be honest.”
No mention of Pixelfed, but I can understand why. Will it only be seen as an alternative once a critical mass of users move there? And can that happen if they don't see it as an alternative? Chicken and egg. I'm trying out, but it's a little vapid when everyone I know is on Instagram.
I asked a younger coworker something similar about Facebook and facebook messenger a few years ago in relation to cyber bullying. I asked her why the younger generation doesn’t just get off social media if they’re being bullied, and her response was that these platforms are how people communicate now. Without them, you don’t find out about parties, trips, events, etc. Without them you get left out. If you abandon them, you’re essentially ostracizing yourself.
After hearing that I understood why just giving them up is difficult.
Can confirm. I'm a bit older, but when I stopped using social media it was like my aquaintances forgot I existed. Sure, close friends would usually still invite me to social events, but even that tapered off after a while. When I'd call someone out for not inviting me, their response was always "but you never shiw up to anything". It's not like they don't know that I'm not on Facebook. What, you think that when you don't invite me that I'll just magically know it's happening? I'm finally getting some people to use Signal groups but that has been an uphill battle.
I agree up to the point that someone could use Facebook for the parties and stuff, and then not use any of the main page stuff. I have Messenger because that's the prime option for those I know, but I don't use it for anything but messaging and don't have a Facebook.
Getting info on events and businesses is so much tougher now that I don't regularly use Facebook. I missed both holiday garbage pickups because my county waste management company ONLY posts schedules on Facebook.
I understand that logic, but "being the product" must not really be that bad for them. They might complain, but if it was truly distasteful, they'd do something about it.
And being exploited for profit and explicitly knowing it is about the saddest thing I can think of for my fellow humans. It's no wonder the billionaires just take and take, because people let them.
For a while, it was full of pictures. Only pictures. That "lunch" thing was trendy but not at all the main content. Whatever you wanted, it was there. It was no different than any other platform. Some great content, some bullshit. Now it's shitty "reels", ads, and fraud. You'd have to sift through a lot of forced garbage to find your subscribed content.
and just like FB, reddit, xitter, tiktok, et al, you're not. it's just another place for the vainest, most vapid, self-absorbed fucktards to post pictures of their lunch (in between selfies)
Yep I was thinking the same. I guess it's a generational thing. Instagram is maybe like water to some young people, can't be without it or life is sad.
No, it's not because life without Instagram is sad. Read the other reply for a real reason. People stay on platforms to keep in touch with others and those others do the same.
It's only "generational" because half the world didn't grow up with the Internet as their primary form of communication. But I'm against that label because it's true for anyone who uses a service a lot.
I would LOVE to stop using Discord but there's no way I'm convincing all my friends to run two chat programs (Matrix for me, Discord for their other friends)
i was addicted to facebook. i started getting away by just not looking at it for longer periods of time: 1 day, 1 week, month, etc. it stayed like that for a long time. then i went through and deleted everything i ever posted, replied, commented-- yes it took forever, but it ended up as just a blank profile with my name on it. finally i deactivated the account, then deleted it
time wasted on facebook: way too fucking much
time spent regretting deleting it: absolute zero
i've seen enough vacation/cat/baby photos to last 10 lifetimes, and if my friends can't talk to me through texting, then i guess they must not have anything important to say
fuck facebook
i'm just glad i immediately found insta, twitter, tiktok, all the other bullshits boring and pointless right off the bat, so never dealt with those
"But all the other lemmings are there! I can't leave or I'll be left at the top of the cliff by myself!" 🙄 Guess what, there's more of us up here who aren't jumping than you realize.
Sorry to be harsh, but that's how I feel about it when people say they have no choice but to enrich these social media oligarchs by participating in their exploitation machines. By contributing their "content" to be collected, sold, used for training their generative AIs, by viewing their ads, and by making themselves targets to be manipulated by propaganda of all kinds.
They already exploit us enough in ways we can't control, without us willingly participating in their schemes.
As someone who only used Tumblr for porn, this sounds awful. Especially because they banned porn forever ago. IG must be like a black hole or something.
the fact that people are so obsessed with social media that they cant even realize the simple option of just stopping all together really says how toxic and addictive social media is.
They just get rid of a bunch of so-called "fact checkers" deciding for you which posts you're allowed to see and which get banned/hidden/deleted. It's not the end of the world. You can still block people. You can still decide NOT to read posts.