Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said 'there isn't a snowball's chance in hell that Canada would become part of the United States,' on the same day U.S. president-elect Donald Trump declared that he's open to using 'economic force' to acquire Canada.
Well, consider what would happen to elections if we join the US. We'd certainly not join as one state and our parties won't just fold and disappear. The US political bus will swerve hard left by US standards with someone like AOC getting elected prez.
Reminder that the Canadian populace is about 1/10 of America's.
If in some freak alternate timeline where we actually to get absolved into the States, we 100% lose all autonomy as Canadians and our political preference would be thrown to the wayside and completely outvoted.
Sir or Madam, I present to you, Puerto Rico, a territory with no federal representation.
may I also present to you the United Fruit Company and Nestle. or at least their model.
Canadians wouldn't have rights in the US, we'd live under a Quisling government for a hundred years or more while the territory is slowly "assimilated" into "American customs". while Corporations would pilfer the resources and workforce here at gunpoint. maybe after 80-100 years, a couple of small regions would be carved out into new states. but make no mistake, it'd be sold as a prosperous unificaiton, and the receipt would read "Military Occupation and bloody insurgency"
just looked it up, it was the british. in an operation led by (drumroll please): rear-admiral george cockburn. i didnt read further and now believe he incinerated the whitehouse with his power of dick rashes
In the past, Trump has accused Canada of accepting a $100-billion subsidy from the United States. It's unclear exactly what he is referencing, but it may refer to the trade deficit between the two countries.
But on Tuesday, that purported $100-billion subsidy rose to $200 billion. has reached out to Trump's media office to clarify what the $200-billion figure represents.
"I love the Canadian people, they're great," he said. "We're spending hundreds of billions a year to take care of Canada. … We can't do it forever."
It sounds like what is going on here is, Trump is doing the normal Trump thing of starting with a conservative narrative (austerity, cutting off moochers) and brazenly lying about the state of the world to fill in the blanks of that narrative, knowing his supporters are happy to live in a fictional world, knowing he can't be called out on it in a way that will matter, knowing that it will get people to continue paying attention to him.
It's fascinating rhetoric if he is talking about the trade deficit. It really speaks to his habitual refusal to pay for products and services rendered.
The $200B, I assume, is a made up portion of US military budget "assigned for the protection of Canada". Perhaps it is the value of Canadian auto/timber/dairy industry, not just exports, but I doubt it. It is a made up number nonetheless.
In other thread, while there is unanimity against 51st state idea, there is desperation among Canadians/politicians on staying the US empire's removed. He's made the exact same threats against Europe. NATO kicking out the US and also joining SCO is the right move to isolate the demonic evil US empire's reign of terror on the world and "its allies". Clinging to being US's colony by desperately increasing the level of sycophancy to its wars, is path to worse domination/subservience. The "freedom and democracy" rhetoric for subservience must stop immediately, because democracy is a complete joke. Israel first rule in US, and US first rule in colonies, is not functional politics.
Canada joining BRICS and SCO as a military alliance with protection from North Korea, Russia, China would eliminate the "US burden from protecting Canada". Canada buying Michigan would protect auto industry. Offering Provincehood to any US states would allow those states to escape their crushing share of federal debt, and escape oppression that Trump wants to impose on them. World needs to move on from US empire, and shifting trade and military alliances would address Trump's complaint about Canadian exports, or make them realize that Canada is far more useful as a removed than independent.
“What do they want from me? I'm good-natured. I'm good-hearted. I'm good-looking. Every day, I'm out there trying to make the world safe. For Germany America. I don't want war. All I want is peace. Peace.
[singing and dance number start]
A little piece of Poland Canada, A little piece of France Greenland, A little piece of …”
Once PP gets the reigns, Trump will just push him around like the spineless demagogue he is. …just a ‘lesser Trump’. Canada will be sold out by PP. Mark my words.
"In the 21st century, war was still waged over the resources that could be acquired. Only this time, the spoils of war were also its weapons: Petroleum and Uranium. For these resources, China would invade Alaska, the US would annex Canada, and the European Commonwealth would dissolve into quarreling, bickering nation-states, bent on controlling the last remaining resources on Earth."
"annex" implies they actually have a claim on Canada. It would be an invasion.
And in such an invasion, you'd best believe that the European nations would love to come to Canada's aid because a) They will also be needing the resources, and b) They like us a hell of a lot more than they like the U.S.
So no...a U.S invasion wouldn't be an annexation, it would be the U.S. getting it's shit kicked in by virtually every country in the world coming to Canada's defence.
It'd be the US kicking everyone elses shit in, until the British and French let the nukes fly,
I hate to break it to you but the US is multitudes more powerful than the rest of NATO, NATO can still burn the US, but they'll burn with it. Same goes for Russia.
conventionally, the US is the world hegemon as far as naval and air power goes, they are unbeatable.
what the US doesn't have the stomach for , is occupation. they were defeated by mountain men with 70 year old Kalashnikovs on the other side of the world, who were so culturally different from them they might as well have been aliens, Just imagine what it'd be like against an enemy on your doorstep that looks and talks just like you. that you cant tell from your own. Wait, you dont' even need to imagine, because it already happened, Look at how Russia's occupation was torn apart by the Ukrainian resistance. The only way they ever secure land is by bombing it to dust and moving in.
and unlike Russia, America has a formidable faction within its own borders who would revolt and start a civil war if the Trump/MAGA administration became hostile to America's friends and allies.
Many European nations want to fight to defend Canada but can not unite in this purpose as many nations consider how it will benefit them to come out having supported the winning side. Others because they don't want to fight against a nation with such a powerful military.
During the ongoing debate on what to do, America completes its invasion of Canada and declares it an Annexation and gives anyone who objects to this in Canada the old American highschool treatment.
All I can say is freedom isn't free. Maybe that's something Canadians need to learn, I don't know - I don't really want to assume. But I got a cascadian flag tattoo on my left arm like a soldier's patch for a reason. I've been thinking in neomedieval military terms since I was a teenager at an alternative high school in the late 2000s.
Freedom needs to be constantly defended. If you can't give up any kind of tribute to a governing authority or series of governing authorities to defend it for you or don't find any existing entity as authentically defending it then you frankly have to defend it yourself. Same principle for arguing in favor of participatory democracy - if you don't participate in democracy in some meaningful way you are bound to lose it.
Would be curious and sad if the new premiere campaigned on a position of strength and willingness to defy the orange fuhrer, only to end up grovelling like all those before him.
with the foreign interference report in the news in canada, canadians need to be reminded that america is also foreign actor that intereferes with our country's affairs. They are just as Malicious as the Indians, Chinese and Russians. At least the intereference that comes from the EU is still in our own interests, unlike the robbers, theives, killers, and hopeful Suzerian's of the others
Its almost as if nobody realised decades ago that putting all our eggs in one super nation state basket for world protection, a super nation that had been known to have Hollywood politics corrupt to its core, was a bad, bad idea...
Trump lied about anything and everything. It's impossible to call him out on any of it because he is so good at creating these bullshit headlines. Inflation, Ukraine, healthcare, abortion, doesn't matter, if he needed to say something to win he said it.
Now in a short time, we will know what he is actually up to, but for now, generate so much bullshit that becomes a cls command. The media, headlines, social, all his bullshit. Everything he said before, screen is clear.
The man is an literal technocrat with extreme skill:
Techno: skill
Crat: power
He has everyone wrapped around his finger. Well played Mofo.