During a press conference on Tuesday, Jan. 7, the 78-year-old president-elect shared his plan for renaming the Gulf of Mexico. “We’re going to be changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America,” Trump told reporters.
Isn’t the entire idea that the Gulf of Mexico is more descriptive than the gulf of America? Mexico only has one large gulf, and from a US perspective the gulf is in the direction of Mexico. The Americas have several «gulfs» so gulf of America makes no sense. Maybe Gulf of the USA? But again in terms of a description that makes far less sense.
Hey, tbh, I'm fine with him focusing on things like this and trying to buy Greenland. It's much rather he spend his time on theater than on actually hurting people
This is what Trump does day to day, spouting random made up shit on a whim. My guess is that it was ad libbed and there is no legislation, the whole renaming thing is probably news to his speech writer/diaper changer/whatever they call the person that tries to get him to talk about something specific.
The horrible shit is orchestrated by all the malicious fucks around him who can focus on one topic for more than 5 minutes.
But Mexico has 63 more miles of coastline on the Gulf than the USA does. We should just leave it alone.
Wouldn't surprise me if this was inspired to circumvent the new ban on oil drilling Biden just enacted. "We're drilling in the Gulf of America, not the Gulf of Mexico."
The US doesn't have exclusive rights to "America" as a name. In fact strictly speaking "Gulf of America" is not a bad name since it is the largest gulf in the Americas AFAIK.
Canada has more land mass than the US does. Perhaps Trump should be talking about integrating the US into Canada (and doing away with the now-redundant US Presidential position).
But Mexico has 63 more miles of coastline on the Gulf than the USA does.
USA != America. USA is a country that resides on the North American Continent.
While I know Trump is doing this to try and claim it as the USA's... It actually makes sense if you actually use "America" properly to refer to North, Central and South America.
Let's not forget, conservatives, CEOs and all that bunch operate with methods of a parlor magician. The louder they jingle the keys in one hand, the more we should be paying attention to what they are doing with the other.
Yeah, that's what I've been thinking since his speech. I'm thinking the people he's surrounded with are encouraging his non-sensical ramblings so they can replace him with Vance, who is a Thiel/billionaire puppet, and likely more predictable and reliable than Trump.
Hey look, another 4 years of Republicans not doing anything of value for the American people.
Meanwhile, Democrats just banned medical debt from showing up on credit reports.
The differences between parties couldn't be more obvious and Americans were still stupid enough to elect the do-nothing party. That's how I know this country is barreling down a path to collapse. It's not Trump. It's not even Republicans. It's braindead stupid Americans.
Honestly, I'm not sure how possible it is for Trump to undo this. I haven't looked deep enough into it. I read something about Biden doing what he could to make it hard for it to be undone. There's so many nuances to our legislative system and the powers that the president has that it's hard to tell how safe this from Republican fuckery.
The unfortunate thing is that "the wall" kinda did happen. Really shittily, but even Biden continued building it and Kamala ran on continuing to build it. The idea itself is really stupid sure, it's ineffective and ass. But there do be a wall getting built to this day.
It's not about doing the things it's about the optics of saying you'll do them. The wall isn't done and never will be. Even if it was it would never deliver what was promised.
Its all about optics and it's why Trump sabotaged the immigration reform bill. It would show democrats are capable of actually executing/delivering in a way he can't.
This is why fascism works. This will happen. Trump is incompetent and idiotic but he's got a government worth of yes men and people scared of losing their jobs or otherwise motivated to just pass his insane "presidential" bullshit through the pipelines created by liberals in more peaceful times.
He doesn't need to know how to do anything, but now that he's in power a handful of his batshit insane things he proposed still get pushed through the system by people who know how to do it who've been drolly passing similar but more sane legislation across their desk for decades.
And it's an omnibus law that also bans abortion, with meaningless exceptions for rape, but only if the perpetrator is sentenced before the first trimester; or life threatening conditions, but only if the mother is actively dying. And if you vote no on that, you'll be smeared forever as the traitor of America.
I know most of you are fed up, exhausted and disgusted. The key is to never give up and roll over. Once you do this the idiots will have won and we we'll be permanently screwed. We had already gone through four years of Trump's Idiocracy. Four more years sucks but you need to keep fighting the good fight. We can get through this!
Between that and telling Canada they should become a state, I wouldn't be surprised if we get some manifest destiny v2 trying to conquer the continent.
Rational National pointed out that the 'Gulf of America' name was actually a joke Colbert made back in 2010 when he was still doing the Colbert Report.
Old article about MSFT donating to Colbert's 'Gulf of America' charity aimed at cleaning up / mitigating oil spills from rigs that broke after Katrina:
Besides the absurdity of this, who gets to decide the name of a geographical feature?
If this were to actually happen wouldn’t it mean literally nothing? Like maybe officially in the USA it would be referred to by its new name but why would other countries follow? And I get that that the USA does a lot in the Gulf, but from my [very basic] understanding most of it is international waters.
Could legislation be proposed to rename the Atlantic Ocean? And if so wouldn’t that just end up with the USA following strange semantics other countries don’t?
Countries can decide internally to call something whatever they want. One example is how not everyone in the world agrees on how many continents there are and uses some different names (like Eurasia). A more relevant case is how most of the world calls the ocean between Japan and Korea the Sea of Japan, whereas Koreans call it the East Sea.
if so wouldn’t that just end up with the USA following strange semantics other countries don’t?
When it comes to renaming external locations like this that are used by multiple countries, I would imagine it would be a case of how wide the rename is adopted. If I had to take a guess, renaming the Gulf of Mexico or the Atlantic Ocean in more US-centric names isn't as likely to catch on globally and will probably just result in confusion when people from different countries are referring to the same thing.
The US has a law that forces other countries to abide by sanctions over trade. Netherlands and Taiwan are "colonized" by their tech industries that have a little of legacy IP from US companies. US companies can only license internationally with the stipulation that US rules over the licensee. 100% tariffs or military invasion promise for any country that disrespects America's rights to name stuff.
It is nowhere near South America. The Gulf of Mexico is in North America, touching Mexico, the United States, and Cuba.
The name makes sense because, technically speaking, it is an ocean basin. Most of the basin goes towards Mexican territory; not meaning the touching of the borders but that it covers what would be Mexican territory. It "pushes" or "delves" more towards Mexico. (I hope I'm explaining myself, lol).
It has been called "the Gulf of Mexico" for about five centuries and it made even more sense less than two centuries ago before the United States stole a big chunk of northern Mexican territory.
Fine. I’m calling it Gulf of the Americas and reminding everyone that the Americas are the continents, not the country.
A visionary and inclusive move!
Holy Lilith it's gonna be so awkward when the Europeans have to make invasion plans together with the Chinese because Trump is Blitzkrieg-ing through America.
why is the media giving this idiot the time of day. no it's not called the "gulf of america" and no congress can't do squat about it. it's a stupid distraction from an idiot.
The President is very much a figurehead - he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage. For this reason the President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it.
People in such country will get fed up and will increase clashes with the government.
Government start anti-usa imperialism and start military campaign against them.
USA say they are committing genocide or something and question their sovereignty
USA announce special operation to restore peace
Cycle continue ….
We saw this in Lebanon, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine and many other countries that the USA has admitted funding different group inside them to destabilize them. But now it seems trump plan or asked to do the same with both Mexico and canada.
They can justify it with Mexico because of drugs and immigrants, but it is harder for Canada. They US news tried to blame canada for “terrorist” and “illegal immigrants” but it seems they are following the same stories with Mexico.
They'll just claim illegal immigrants represent an "invasion." They'll use that as casus belli to invade Mexican territory, and then simply claim occupied lands as spoils of war. They'll also be able to make a practical argument, "well Mexico clearly can't manage the border regions. Look at the anarchy there!"
I don't see MAGA trying to seize all of Mexico. They wouldn't want to take the heavily populated core around Mexico City, that's for sure. But the more lightly populated border states? That would be much more tantalizing. Also, they could justify intervention in the border states as "protecting American investments," referring to all the factories US companies have built right across the border.
Relocating an entire industrial plant is hard and expensive. One of the quickest ways to "bring manufacturing back to America" is to simply move the border to encompass already existing factories.
Canada would be a lot harder to justify, but casus belli can always be found. It just takes one person fleeing to Canada to escape charges for getting or performing an abortion. Suddenly Canada is "harboring fugitives." Or attempt to relitigate the US/Canada border disputes of the 1800s. Or just claim fentanyl is being smuggled in from Canada. Etc. A casus belli can always be found or manufactured.
If it's not possible to annex, it's ok to just invade, murder people, steal resources, and create refugee crisis. Check out the current state of Iraq, Yemen, and Libya...
If you cannot see how "ISRAEL" runs the "USA" government through "AIPAC" and how both represent the same "Entity" I would recommend you read more about what they "Publicly" publish and what the "world" see happening.
These are "current" example that where we saw "Israeli" government official say "Not a Country". It also the same when we look at "China" and "Taiwan" and any other "super power" vs "neighbouring nation"
You lost me at Ukraine.
Ukraine was a domestic revolution against a Russian puppet government that acted in defiance and betrayal of the Ukrainian people. The Ukrainians didnt need any help getting pissed off and rioting in the streets when their president stabbed the entire nation in the back.
that when the shit hit the fan and the Yanukovitch government was about to fall, every regional and global power on earth was scrambling to try to get a favorable outcome while the streets of Kyiv were being fought between a mob of protestors and those protecting the Puppet state government.
those "phonecalls" that Russian propagandists love to talk about, weren't quite the Gotcha that they think they were, because dozens of countries were having those same phone calls, it doesnt happen often, but anytime a state government falls, thats actually normal for those calls to go on. Its outside actors trying to put the peices back together in a way that benefits them and their interests. (if you think Western countries having those calls on Ukraine's future was bad, boy do I have a horse to sell you on what was happening in Russia, Short version, it resulted in a full scale war.)
People talk about what caused the Euromaidan and who was responsible for it all the time, but critical and central issue they never seem to bring up when they argue about "Big bad Russia, evil CIA coup, etc" is the Ukrainian people. The population of the country where it happened is treated as if it wasn't a factor with agency at all, that they only revolted because some guys at the US embassy gave them some signs and told em to. that line of reasoning frankly needs to be told to fuck off.
Just like the fucking Nazis and Communists changing names of cities, roads, etc.. to suit their fucked up agenda. Chemnitz was once Karl-Marx-Stadt and the fucked up Nazis changed many Slavic city and town names along the Polish border before the outbreak of WW II.
It's done in the same spirit and will go down the same way. You people are just too blind to see the evil these people will put into this world in the next few years.
Besides that, the US definitely doesn't lack in overseas military bases.
Working on the important stuff first I see! While we're at it, why did we slip back into calling them French fries. We need to throw some serious money at this problem - I'm talkin' make the libs complain we could have ended homelessness money at changing the damn name of fried fucking potatoes!!
Yeah, hand me my mountain dew hat! We're dewin this! Murica! Hellz yah!
This is not good obviously, but it's also very US-centric to think that name Gulf of America indicates it belongs to the US. In an alternate timeline it would totally make sense to have a gulf between two Americas called the Gulf of America or even the American Sea. But the US has effectively hijacked the name America
She has been legitimized at this point, unfortunately. She has committee assignments and the backing of the Speaker so there's now a high likelihood she has the leverage to get bills passed. Also the incoming GOP trifecta means she will be far far more close to the political center of Congress than ever before.
20 some years ago when that happened, I remember saying "What? That's stupid....". I was a teenager at the time. I was yelled at by adults saying "NO! IT'S NOT STUPID!!! WE'RE AMERICANS!!! FREEDOM FRIES ARE AN AMERICAN FOOD!!! WE GROW POTATOES IN IDAHO!!! NOT PARIS!!!!"
Today, I'm 41. Teenager me wasn't immature. Well, ok, I was, on a lot of things. But NOT on this. 41 year old me looks back and says teenager me was right.
Patriot theatrics was stupid then, and it's stupid now. I remember being extremely frustrated that no one could tell me why a better (more location specific?) name wasn't more popular. It's not like "freedom" is exlusive to the US.
Well the US can call it the Gulf of bullshit all they want, for the rest of the world it IS the gulf of Mexico. Renaming it doesn't give them anything extra, or any rights.
Its actually just really really petty and little, just some nonsense so that his base can say " look ge is really working hard for us!"
I hope he doesn't hear about the Gulf of California. He is not going to understand that the Californias were Mexican and, thus, the Gulf is still named after the fact. He's going to claim some wacky s*it like "the name indicates it belongs to one of our states", "Mexicans are trying to steal California's assets", or something like that.
The symbolism is on top of the "warmongering on allies" rhetoric, that could, in this case, push for a war on Mexico or takeover of its territorial rights to oil extraction in the Gulf. The lust over Greenland is its strategic role in attacking/defending Europe. The resources there are very expensive to extract due to infrastructure needs. The Panama canal is to stop Chinese trade/influence, but usual US policy is threats/coups instead of offering market prices. Panama canal fees are high due to droughts related to global warming which Trump wants to increase beyond reparability.
I really hope he just dies. And not from a shooter. I don't want his base to have him as a martyr. I want him to have a clogged artery, or a heart attack, and just his body gives out. With his lifestyle, and his eating habits, it wouldn't be too hard to imagine. I mean, he LOVES McDonalds! He can't even eat it when it's hot out of the restaurant. He has to send someone to go get it. Which means he's eating these fries cold, and the sandwiches are luke warm at BEST.
Which really goes to help explain how/why he served that basketball team plates and plates of hours cold McDonalds. THAT'S WHAT HE'S USED TO!!! THAT'S WHAT HE THINKS IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE!!!
Meanwhile, I'm 20-30 years younger, was raised on fast food, and now I can't even eat beef because it gave me cancer. I'm doing my best to try to avoid the foods I'm NOT supposed to have, but that's what I was raised on. That's what I love. I'm also a former alcoholic who gave up drinking. Cold turkey. Imagine one day having to upend your entire palate, and eat only foods you don't like. But I'm doing it. I know it's what my body needs.
Meanwhile this guy is out here literally greasy with junk food, probably 100lbs heavier than I am, 20-30 years older than I am, and he's just hoppin around just fine! While I had to spend almost a year of my life hooked up to radioactive bags to pump cancer drugs into me for days at a time, making me so weak at the time that some days I couldn't even get out of bed.
I hate this fat fuck for so many reasons. Many of which are probably shared by the vast majority of you here. But on a personal level I hate him for being the living embodiment of how NOT to take care of yourself, and he's facing no consequences for it. I want the consequences. I want him to have to stop his lifestyle. If I can't even cook my own 90% lean cheeseburgers, I damn sure want him to suffer not being able to eat fast food anymore.
Because everyday he doesn't, it's like saying to me "YOU can't have the foods you love, because it'll make your body sick. However, THIS GUY, who's an irredeemable piece of shit can go ahead and do much much worse with zero consequences, because fuck you."
So yeah. I want him to stuff his piggy little face, and just fall to the floor clutching his chest. I don't want a shooter. I don't want some agent of another government bombing him. I want his death to be his OWN doing. I want him for once in his god damn life to have to answer to consequences of his own actions. I've had to do it for years now. I don't even recognize myself anymore based on my own habits now. Eating honey nut cherrios in the morning? What the fuck? What happened to a bacon double cheeseburger and a bottle of whiskey?
Oh, right. The consequences of my own actions treating my body like shit.
So.....where's his??? He's been treating his body like shit for twice as long as I have. Where's his consequence moment???
I really hope he just dies. And not from a shooter. I don't want his base to have him as a martyr. I want him to have a clogged artery, or a heart attack, and just his body gives out.
Have you had the displeasure of knowing QAnon cultists? There's very little doubt in my mind that they would do anything but delude themselves into thinking that Ding-dong Donald is still alive. I even have the start of a bingo list prepared for what they might claim actually happened:
Liberal media and the next Democrat candidate are lying and trying to manipulate voters for the next election.
Vance is attempting a coup by lying about The President's health.
Trump faked his death because (insert scapegoat demographic) were onto him for trying to bust their (insert scapegoat topic).
Trump is actually in a presidential safehouse for his protection because "the elites" want him dead for thwarting their plans to ruin America with DEI and the Woke Mind Virus™.
At Trump's request, the FBI released a fake obituary and made Vance the face so Trump could spend more time fixing America and less time on press conferences.
Worse than doing nothing, useless garbage. How is their impeachment of Biden going? Did Comer and Jordan resign yet for falling for a spy's testimony as their smoking gun evidence?
People are sleeping under bridges while they work 40hrs a week... Wtf did you people vote for? I famously abstained entirely for lack of a quality candidate. I'd vote for myself, but I won't be responsible for their shit cannery.