Should phones have something that shows your profile to people in the proximity?
The whole idea is a privacy minefield, so it would have to be very carefully designed and implemented, of course making it opt-in. But still, should we even pursue this idea?
So that, for example, even if I met someone just briefly, they can still later see the contact information that I am willing to provide.
Wouldn't that make it much easier to connect with people who live close to you?
Are there any relevant projects or ideas that already exist?
Oh, definitely. It's just that in my experience, women are more likely to be immediately wary of this possible danger. Or maybe I'm biased because I'm a woman. But men definitely can (and should) be wary as well.
GRINDR used to have this feature;. Usually, it was just annoying with randos (who never read my profile and had nothing in common with me) messaging me simply because I'm in the vicinity. Occasionally, guys got creepy/stalky and randomly knocked on neighbours doors trying to find me.
Then why are you wanting to exchange information if you don't want to talk to them. Also that'd be weirder to do that, where it's a lot more socially comfortable and acceptable to just talk in person if you can. It's much better to get consent in person then through privacy settings through technology
Fuck no. If I fucking wanted to talk to those fucks I'd fucking talk to them. If I fucking wanted them to have fucking information about me, I'd fucking give it to them.
There is not enough fucking fucks to emphasis how fucking bad, how fucking stupid, and how fucking deranged this idea is.
Nintendo had a feature like this implemented in the 3DS called StreetPass. When you passed someone else with a 3DS it would share some information (like game data) that you could later review.
I like this idea provided it's 100% opt-IN and not opt-out. Nintendo's 3ds streetpass did something like this and it's very cool being able to see what other people are in your area with a 3ds. A social media focused on this would be pretty neat IMO.
I'm a little sad I missed out on Yik Yak, tbh. I think the idea of interacting with people within your proximity has power. Whether it just be casually BSing with your neighbors, or having conversations about a sports event.
I'd prefer if it were anonymous/pseudonymous with effective location fuzzing, though. But that could in theory include profiles with details you're willing to share with randos. Could have augmented reality (AR) uses as well.
As long as you control the information and have the ability to shut it off entirely, it could be useful.
Yik yak was fun, but the reason it was fun was because it was (somewhat) anonymous. The local memes, hilariously kinky posts, and general news was fun. The cyber bullying and depression posts were probably what ended up killing the app.
Theoretically yes, but actually nothing ever happens. I have seen an app's API disclose its 6 million user profiles, with name, gender, age (minor included), hobbies, bio, and exact location. Technical people know about this security breach, but it was never fixed and no user was ever endangered
Even if it is opt-in, I personally would absolutely not trust it.
Who's to say there wouldn't be a glitch in an update that causes your location to leak and some wannabe serial killer doesn't come and try to kill you?
It shows you the profile of people you passed by throughout the day I think.
I mean if you want to I don't see the problem with it. Might be interesting, as long as you can choose when and where your profile might be shown and what information is on your profile.
Definitely don't think it should be some mandatory thing though.
This isn't exactly what you're going for since it isn't automatic, but Apple is introducing NameDrop in iOS 17 which will allow you to share contact info by holding iPhones next to each other (similar to Bump back in the early 2010s). Of course NameDrop is closed to Apple devices which sucks (Android has Nearby Share, but it doesn't default to sharing your contact), but the idea of being able to hold phones to each other to share contact info would be ideal for me - it'd be quick so I wouldn't have to think about it and would be willing to do it for brief interactions, but also ensures my info is only shared with who I choose.
So kinda like Happn but without the protection of needing to match first?
The idea doesn't really entice me. I'm sure I'm passing by lots of interesting people on a daily basis that's worth connecting to, but the risk of exposing myself to the types of people I'd like to avoid outweighs that reward for me.
nah, i think what apple did is a great implementation if your idea. simple and safe. just tap two phones together and contact info is shared. i think android should be able to do this too. but ofc, it's "Apple-only" like airdrop
Samsung has something similar but using QR codes. You just pull up the code associated with your profile, the other person scans it, and boom, contact added. I'm not sure if it works phone types though. I assume it would.
In the upcoming iOS 17, there is a feature to tap two phones together to share whichever contact information you choose to. It’s all a manual process though, as I think it should be.
I could see a world where augmented reality glasses could show people’s names floating above their heads, if they opted in. It would be useful for private work meetings and small classes, not so much for walking around in public. Would need fine grained controls over sharing what, to who, when and where.
I turned it on once. It was all alt right groups whose motives were to take over the local parks with violence, and some nudist group that appeared to be offline. I turned the feature off and went back to the friendly furry faces of normal telegram. :P