Oh sure act all high and mighty but can you really say you wouldn’t…
…abandon the victim of domestic violence in pursuit of honor?
You’re just gonna let protected speech occur even when it hurts your feelings?! Pretty soon you’d live in a world where more than one person might momentarily silently lift a body part in a fully legal manner… without even fearing being killed for it.
Here's what's really fucked up, though: These cops charged their victim with three felonies (these articles don't say which ones) and later dropped them to two misdemeanors when the video came out, then dropped the charges entirely when it looked like they didn't have a case. None of the cops - including the one who left a domestic violence call to beat a man up for flipping him off as he passed - have been charged with anything. The only charges filed in this case have been bogus ones against the victim of police violence.
The posted article doesn't mention how he was treated differently for being transgender, which is only reported to be during and after questioning about the incident. This CNN article explains. TLDR, he was harassed by an officer during questioning then booked as a female and kept in female quarters.
I guess punching his face in wasn't enough. Makes my blood boil.