You real identity is suddenly revealed to everyone on the internet, and all deleted posts/comments are un-deleted. How fucked are you?
Every account you ever had, every post/comment you ever posted, now has your real name, a photo of you, and your address, all just magically show up on the webpage right next to each of your posts/comments (also, no "hacking" could hide the info). All deleted posts/comments are magically restored and nothing you do (short of permanently shutting down the website and physical destruction of the servers) can delete them. (Any edits would still show every change you made.) How fucked are you?
And don't think about changing your name, or moving, all this info updates in real time. (for "magic" reason)
I spoiled a part of Infinity War back in the day, and I'd expect a 305 lb katana wielding fedora wearer to appear out of the shadows at my door. Those dudes were pissed and drunk me didn't even know I did it until the mod that banned me for a month pointed it out.
Whether or not I am anonymous does not change how/what I post. I also never delete any so nothing changes regarding that too. Cringe to be acting uncivil because you have a mask.
Facts. I've been posting exclusively as Postmortal_Pop on every platform I've been on since 2010. If someone wants me, they'd be downright incompetent if they couldn't find me. That's my name as much as my real name.
Not very, unless the nazis I'm reminding people that every day is punch one of manage to wheezingly waddle up from the basement and attempt to do something about it despite my genes being more pure norse whitey aryan than they could ever dream of so attempts of me life would just be another proof of my superior intellectual reasoning to their simplistic racism tribalism.
Yeah, some suspicions about my level of motivation at work would be confirmed, and my perfectly adequate but kinda basic neighbors might realize it's not just my being awkward AF that keeps me from hanging out more, but that's probably the worst of it. Half the things I delete are to make it slightly harder to dox me than it is now, and most of the rest are things I've said elsewhere but don't feel like defending point-by-point in that particular thread.
Ehhh, I would be shunned by 2 or 3 family members, which might be a net benefit. I hope the former Oklahoma governor's daughter doesn't come after me. I'm more scared of that waxen pale nepobaby more than anyone else. She's got the money and time to cause havoc, the others do not.
There's a reason why I post under my real name and never delete anything. Because your scenario has a high probability of really happening one way or another. That way I'm more conscious of the stuff I post.
A woman I know had an anonymous blog where she posted stuff about her kids without mentioning any names or showing any photos in an effort to protect them. My wife, who only knows her from her un-anonymised blog found that other blog and recognised her really quickly.
Yup, what people don't get about online privacy is that it's not about hiding things, but knowing what is exposed. If you voluntarily expose something on one account that might get tracked back to you.
Same. My friends already have the ability to easily find all the dumb shit I post online if they cared to and nothing I've posted would cause any legal trouble, just piss off some bigots and those who don't understand that crude internet humor is just humor. James Gunn's old posts have me beat and he's still doing alright.
Meh. A whole bunch of cringe posts from twenty years ago will show how much I've grown since I was 19. Some more recent arguments I got tired of will rear their ugly heads. But I generally try to be the same person online as offline, and that person isn't particularly controversial, at least around the circles I run in.
But there would be a lot of people who would be in bodily danger.
Noooo it was sooo difficult to find how to delete my Facebook account. With warnings like "people losing Facebook often loose their social life, are you really sure?". And now my nearly empty page is back you say? Cringe.
But I'm not fucked, I try to treat people online like I treat people in real life, like I want people to treat me. I'm not scared of a heated discussion but I prefer to stay civil. So if people want to look me up, that's fine, I make great coffee.
I only have issues with people who do not respect my boundaries so I prefer to keep them out of my life. But my mom already knows where I live, so still no harm done when my address is posted online.
I'm sure I'd be screwed. Just by the nature of the internet, someone in the various posts would find something that would enrage them enough to hunt me down and throw a cocktail at my house. Even if only one person in a million is insane and bent on revenge, overall I have enough posts that they'd come in contact with it. I'd for sure lose my job, since we have seen it happen on social media sites with folks' real names attached.
Luckily, most of the comments I've made have been on sites that have permanently shut down, so I would escape the worst of my years becoming public knowledge.
Now, if it wasn't just me, I'm sure I'd be lost in the relatively blase nature of my comments.
Not fucked. Of course I have some cringy stuff on MySpace from when I was in my early teens. But generally speaking, over the last two decades or so I don't post anything I wouldn't be OK with everyone finding out about
I stand behind everything I've ever said. I've been posting for years with the mindset that what OP is describing will some day be reality. I might not be correct about everything but I've always been honest. I look forward to that day and all the hypocrites being exposed.
I don't think I've really ever deleted anything that wasn't just a simple mistake (e.g. duplicate post or whatever) so I'm not worried about much there
I guess some people in my life might not realise quite how left wing I am, but I've not really kept it under wraps to anyone that's asked.
I assume I'll probably get targeted more by identity thieves and similar, which ultimately will probably be the biggest thing to fuck me over about the whole situation
The only thing that would change is that people are gonna know I'm a bit less straight than I say that I am... Though I generally live life/post things, knowing it can never be deleted once it's posted on the internet so... Not much would change really.
I wish it was true that nothing can be truly deleted on the internet. The reality is so very much has been posted and long since lost. There are some things I wish I could find traces of, but are likely lost to the vastness of the internet. Of course, you should treat everything like it cannot be deleted, but the reality is many things can, and have been, entirely deleted.
Guessing 2/10. Real name is very common. I've made plenty of shitty and dumb comments over the years, but it would simply be embarrassing and that would be it. I don't hold any important or public positions.
Meh. My real world would know what my digital world already knows, that I'm much more of a nerd than I portray myself as.
It's not because I purposefully hide it. It's because it's not a topic that is interesting to anyone in my real world circle of friends. I don't have real world friends who want to talk about Linux, and Open Source, and retro-video games, and all of the other stuff that I ramble on about online in forums where the peeps who understand me all hang out.
There's probably some very surprising porn habits in there as well that my real world friends and family would have NO CLUE about, but c'est la vie.
Not all that much, as I already use my real name. I tend to only post things that I believe in, and I've never really been one to hide my feelings from people.
I should be reasonably ok... I think. Sure, there were a few instances where I, uh... let the internet anonymity get to my head, and... used sarcasm. But it's past me, I swear. Reckless acts of a younger man.
Worst case my family finds out I've been talking shit about them behind their back, but they're all a bunch of fuckers except for my brother and even he's kind of iffy.
Other than a couple of questionable porn likes I don't really have anything I would be embarrassed to have publicly known about myself.
Minorly inconvenienced. A lot of comments riddled with typos appear, and I'm vulnerable to normal doxxing. I have a few spicy takes, but nothing that jeopardizes a relationship with anyone I'm not willing to confront about it. Still rather not be doxxed out of principle.
Im completely fucked, I have said a lot of things that are very critical of the "Israeli" government and occupation (I live under their occupation). Also Bibi isnt exactly kind to critiques, I would probrally be suicided the next day. After being revealed and it being that public id probrally have a few hours to publish a manifesto before a Mossad agent neutralizes me.
Them: "Wow. I can't believe jubilationtcornpone would do something like that."
Me: "Yeah, well that makes two of us. And are you seriously trying to tell me you're JUST NOW hearing about that? You actually missed my compete and total public humiliation? That was like ten years ago."
Let's go mfer. I said some cringy shit on Facebook when I was a teenager but I'll own up to em. Largely, I stand by my opinions, doesn't matter if my name is attached to them or not, I say what I feel and what I feel doesn't change based on whether I have a name tag on or not.
I might find myself suddenly on some governmental lists of some interest, especially considering how vocally I have been speaking out against our incoming government, but other than that? I wear my past with pride. I'll admit when I was wrong and stand by my opinions that still deserve them, and chuckle over some bad takes from the past, but I feel no shame in this arena.
Ah, my username is my legal name and there are pictures of me in my account. My username everywhere is my legal name, cause I think I lack imagination.
So I guess I’m fucked exactly this much, which doesn’t seem like a lot.
I generally get left alone. Everyone worries about their own personal problems enough to have time to bother someone random on the internet.
Edit: if I post my address, someone’s gonna ring my doorbell and scare my birds, so you’re not getting it. I’m in the Portland metro area though.
As far as I know not much but the internet has been around awhile. I mean if it happened to everyone I would be much more boring than I think most. If its literally just me I assume it would be a thing because of the novelty.
I would have no other choice but to kill myself since I vented about a stupid MISdiagnosis of a stupid disorder whose label means literally nothing that took 20 years from me as society only sees that stupid disorder instead of a human being. My work friends will view me as less than the scum on their shoes. My managers will assume I just don't like working because it's not playing video games. Everyone will assume the stupidest things about me instead of just actually talking to me. Because why would they? I'm less than a rat. Literally, rat traps and poison are made to kill the rat painlessly and comfortably. Puppets controlled by that stupid disorder die painfully over several years and "they just need to get over it." I wouldn't be allowed to work or rent an apartment because society thinks I'm an overgrown infant. No 988 caller would take me seriously, in fact everyone will agree that I deserve abuse since the abuse is "helping". No one would believe the diagnosis was a mistake. They'll mistake my ptsd from living on the wrong side of society for that stupid disorder. They'll mistake everything I enjoy for that stupid disorder. Like all the people I cut ties with and completely ditched, they'll mistake me for that stupid disorder.
I'm not, it's not a secret. As for deleted comments, they're mostly just stuff I deleted because I forgot to double check a fact and realised I was wrong after posting
Not very much, I assume there's already some way for my name to be associated with my online identity just due to a slipup at some point or some good social deduction, and I rarely delete things I post anyways (they can be found in the modlog)
Assuming that this would cover all past legal names as well (as I have had a grand total of four, different first and last names): still not a lot.
I have changed a lot since I first started posting things on the web, and I am embarrassed about some of the older stuff that I said before I learned more about certain subjects. But (as far as I can remember), the worst comments I ever made were ones in defence of outlawing abortion, and even those I never posted hate in.
So, given that those few comments are vastly outnumbered by my more recent comments explaining why my previous stance was nonsensical, I would probably have to be more afraid of someone threatening me for being a trans person who advocates for bodily autonomy as a basic and inalienable human right.
I regularly enter fighting game tournaments under this name, and my face has been on stream several times. While I'd prefer not to keep my full name and identifying info too easy to find, if someone wanted to track me down they probably already could using that.
I don't have anything too embarassing to expose either. My worst crime is arguing with people on the internet way too much, but I don't think anyone's going to have much reason to want to go after me for that.
Honestly not really. Most of my online accounts are already known by friends and are used by me with that knowledge in mind. The ones that aren't are a bit more personal but not wild enough to actually mess anything up.
Meh. Only the NSFW stuff I guess, but nothing that I wouldn't tell someone if they really wanted to know.
But I stay off Facebook because I'm not interested in having an online presence or profile, so I guess in the sense of suddenly being thrust into that world at all, not related to the content I've posted just the literal online presence - that would bother me more, and the threat of violence or crime from being more visible like that.