Yes, porn is illegal in China. All porn. They weren't targeted for being gay, as both this article and the original Chinese language article points out. They don't get special treatment for producing gay literature either way.
Opposing the sex industry is a common and principled left stance. It is only in capitalist countries where their cops are funded to harrass people and Johns are rarely punished where there has been a need for a "sex work is work" movement.
In countries run or established by communists, they were often facing racial or otherwise imperialist systemic rape ("comfort women" for Japanese imperialists, for example), recognized how this worked in both slavery and "transactional" capacities, and correctly banned it. Things like erotica were swept up in this total purge of marketing sex, and enforcement is inconsistent as it is usually regional.
Please so your best to educate yourself, be accurate in your summaries, and to not be sinophobic.
Porn is a serious issue that leads to detrimental addictive behavior, unrealistic dating and sex expectations, and is only needed for the weakest, dumbest masturbators.
Worth reading the article, all erotica was targeted, as porn is illegal in China. Implying only gay erotica was targeted implies a homophobic focus, when it was anti-pornography.
China should definitely be better about LGBT rights, don't get me wrong, but they have been improving steadily over the years, the youth are more socially progressive and have been pushing for change, which is coming gradually. Overall, this is very much an instance of intentionally obscuring the real character of the events in order to push a narrative.
Good point. The issue at hand must be understood within the broader framework of state power and ideological control. While it's true that the immediate justification for these arrests is rooted in anti-pornography laws, the enforcement of such laws is not ideologically neutral. Under a socialist analysis, we must examine who these laws serve and who they suppress. The targeting of erotic writers—particularly LGBTQ+ creators—fits into a pattern of reinforcing bourgeois morality and suppressing dissenting or marginalized voices.
Sexuality, as part of the superstructure, is inherently tied to the base. In a society where the state aligns itself with heteronormative and patriarchal values, laws purportedly aimed at "protecting morality" often become tools of repression against communities and expressions that deviate from the status quo. The absence of legal protections for LGBTQ+ people and the lack of recognition for same-sex marriage in China is a clear indication of the state’s alignment with reactionary values, even as it claims to uphold socialism.
Marxists should oppose the imprisonment of writers for exploring erotic themes because these laws serve to restrict the free development of human creativity and reinforce the control of the state over the personal lives of individuals. Engels, in The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State, critiques how oppressive social norms are used to maintain class society. Similarly, the suppression of erotic fiction is not about protecting the people but about consolidating ideological control over the masses, maintaining a culture of obedience and fear.
We must also critique the broader pattern of repression. Mass arrests, whether for writing fiction or other nonviolent expressions, represent the actions of a state more concerned with controlling its people than advancing their material conditions. A truly proletarian state would encourage the flourishing of diverse cultural expressions as part of the revolutionary process, not silence them under the pretext of "morality."
This crackdown is not an isolated incident but part of a larger reactionary turn in the governance of China. As communists, we must oppose these repressive measures and advocate for a society where the working class—not the state bureaucracy—has control over cultural and ideological production. Liberation includes the liberation of human expression from the chains of both commodification and state repression.
I see, op is very concerned about the incorrect inpriosioning of regular folks. Im sure if we look at his history we will find lots of posts against the mass incarceration of Black folks in the USA, or the arrest of protesters against genocide, or the policial brutality in western countries. Im sure