sangriaferret 71 0 Replyusualsuspect191 I'm morbidly fascinated by the little details. He fully undressed and placed his clothes in a pile, and with toes rigidly pointed is going to town on the hole in the rock while a line of people look on waiting for their turn.
I'm thinking it wasn't just a matter of time, actually.
32 0 Reply_stranger_ The ceremonial aspect really does give it a creepy vibe.
12 0 Reply
"It stuck now"
54 0 Replyisolatedscotch
"the cylinder must exit unharmed"
58 0 Replycolderr Let it fall over and it'll come out
3 0 Replynthavoc "Instruction no clear"
2 0 Reply
Aggravationstation ...but me willing to pivot business model based on user feedback.
50 0 ReplyTheReturnOfPEB the first battle over authorial intent
21 0 Replymosiacmango Maybe even the first "death of the author" if he kept interrupting.
10 0 Reply
pepperonisalami To be fair, a shaft is supposed to go in there, just not that kind of shaft.
17 0 Replygo $fsck yourself 15 0 ReplyMonkderVierte "Failed to load media" tho.
3 0 Replygo $fsck yourself Updated
3 0 Reply
Anticorp A bit rough, eh?
12 0 ReplyBone These are cavemen with cavedicks. Cmon now.
14 0 ReplyTheBrideWoreCrimson
Back when "hard as a rock" could be taken literally.
3 0 Reply
DoucheBagMcSwag Cyanide and happiness did the dick in stone wheel joke first
10 0 ReplySam_Bass I feel chafed
6 0 ReplyJeeBaiChow Proof the reptilian brain impulses precede mans conscious thought.
2 0 Reply