Canada's Government Response to Game Preservation Petition
Canada's Government Response to Game Preservation Petition
Response by the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): THE HON. FRANÇOIS-PHILIPPE CHAMPAGNE
The Government of Canada would like to thank the petitioners for expressing their concerns on the issue of the planned obsolescence of video games.
The Government of Canada is committed to promoting the interests and protection of Canadian consumers as well-informed and confident consumers help stimulate competition and innovation in the Canadian marketplace. Federal agencies and departments are responsible for enforcing legislation related to various issues, including: consumer product safety, consumer product packaging and labelling, and anti-competitive practices, such as price fixing.
Additionally, consumer protection is a shared responsibility between the Government of Canada and provincial and territorial governments. On the specific matter of the planned obsolescence of video games, this matter is best addressed at the provincial and territorial jurisdiction given their responsibility over issues related to buying goods and services and contracts.