solsangraal i'll never stop being mystified by the fact that we have a 5 letter word that's pronounced exactly the same as the first letter of the word
72 0 Replyi_stole_ur_taco queueing
Oh. Great. 5 vowels in a row. The language needed that.
59 0 ReplyDrusas Blame the French.
25 0 Replykameecoding Slovak has the word for ice cream which is zmzrlina with 5 consonants in a row
13 0 ReplyHupf
12 0 ReplyBob in a row
Queueing, even.
8 0 ReplyPilon23 I can add Wrzeszcz for perspective. It may not be in a row, but no 8 letter word should have 3 zs
4 0 ReplyJumi Basically the opposite of Polish
1 0 Reply
einlander Queue, que, cue
22 0 ReplyKraven_the_Hunter ¿que?
21 0 ReplyKaity
6 0 Replycrusty kew
2 0 ReplyCarrotsHaveEars Bee, sea, jay, oh, pee, queue, tea, you, why, zed.
1 0 Reply
Why on earth would we want to see this?!
35 0 ReplySlovene Benadryl Queuecumberpatch
20 2 ReplyCold_Brew_Enema Bendydick Cuminhersnatch
4 1 Reply
“This could have been an email.”
13 0 ReplyⓂ3️⃣3️⃣ 🌌
Oh dear, how many times "you might want to see this" needed unsee juice after that
10 0 Replybarkingspiders
This feels like an indictment of passive language really. I like my language like I like my tigers, passive and sleepy.
9 0 ReplyHossenfeffer
6 2 Replyegrets 4 0 Replynaticus But then you need another ' for d!
3 0 Reply__nobodynowhere Bring your own BBBQ beer
3 0 Reply
merde alors
1 0 Reply
Bob Could've been better without the fourth panel, I feel.
4 2 Replypyre shift 1,2,3 to 2,3,4 and have 1 as an establishing shot of the nsa hq to make the setup clearer. right now it's like you see the punchline, then an extra panel, then go back to see what was the big deal and realize somewhere in the background it says nsa hq.
3 2 ReplyBob Well I did see the "NSA Headquarters" sign but I admit it'd be weird to have that on the wall in the office of the madam who might want to see things!
2 0 Reply
Thorry84 Come take a look at this cliche - ding
3 1 Reply