The best troll would be to just openly allow actual direct link piracy on /r/piracy. if reddit bans /r/piracy, then it functionally re-privates the sub (the thing they wanted to avoid). And if they allow it, then it's a bastion of actual piracy. win-win!
Never been an /r/piracy user, but this is so obviously the correct response that I feel embarrassed I didn't think of it as soon as I saw this drama being posted here.
The bootlicking on that post (in a PIRACY sub nonetheless) is wild. Lots of "you don't understand, Reddit is a COMPANY! 😭" I've peeked in on Reddit a bit and I've been seeing those kinds of "won't somebody think of the shaaaareholdersss and adminss" comments on a few posts related to the protest. Things like this insightful little nugget:
"Seems all the reddit hate is based solely on reddit doing something similar to twitter, and I'm supposed to be upset cause "Elon man bad"? Tons of APIs cost money to use... build your own platform that freely allows everyone to scrape all "your" content, lead by example please..."
I wonder how many of those are Reddit employees and bots? They can't all be u/spez alts, can they?
Oh and this is fun too, did you know that we're all LiTeRaLlY extremists over here?
" Lemmy is very far-left. They are literally extremists, I'll not be part of that shit."
Guess Reddit is going to be taken over by alt-right trolls too.
Edit: Still figuring out how the formatting works over here.
Across reddit a lot of astroturfing is going on - its not all real users. Lots of sheep out there, only takes a few shills to steer them in the desired direction by creating the appearance of a majority.
Its the same culture that causes people to type out a post, but then delete it for fear of the reaction for sharing an opinion. Thats something that doesn't seem to happen with Lemmy and I hope the mass of reddit users migrating doesn't bring that with them.
I agree with all of this. I definitely think at least some of them are astroturfing. The mods from r/adviceanimals got kicked and ever since then, they mostly post memes that say things like "the official app isn't so bad, you guys!" We all know u/spez isn't above editing comments for petty reasons and since he got caught, I'm sure he's more careful about not getting caught editing things to suit him now. I wonder if the voting system is rigged, too, at least in some subs.
Im happy the community is still alive. This sub has been the only place I go to on reddit (aside from other Piracy subreddits). Till death do us part mates
TL;DR: They demodded OP, the founder (I think?), of /r/piracy to force them to reopen. This shows that Reddit thinks it's very important for users to have access to piracy information and a place to discuss piracy on the platform.
This is tacit support for posting piracy on Reddit, and, really, the only reason not to post direct links to pirated content is now gone since the threat of taking the sub private is what "we" want anyway. I suppose you could also get your account banned from Reddit, too.
I'm not a lawyer, but I wonder about legal challenges this opens Reddit to. It would be amazing if Disney now sued Reddit for encouraging piracy of their content. You can definitely trust Disney to be lawsuit happy assholes, right? I'd get a lot of shadenfreud from that.