I think you slipped a digit or two, there. The original IBM PC was released in 1981, can't nothing on the PC side be older than that. It definitely wasn't 1967.
In 1967, state of the art was something like the IBM System 360:
There used to be another image but I replaced it and forgot to change the date. Historical accuracy is beyond the scope of this meme, but I'll fix it anyway.
We’re long past that point, its now so that game studios can put even less effort into optimisation and release games that look and perform worse than games from 5 years ago despite much more powerful hardware!
I've always wanted to go from a shitty pre-built machine to a giant room sized computer that need to be sitting in a foot of water after watching Serial Experiments: Lain.
If you count cloud computing we are already there. It's kinda why gpus are so expensive along with just burning electricity on stupid mining. Hell it would have been better if crypto bullshit coins would have been tied to folding@home at least all the burned compute time would have gone to something at least.
Man, that Gateway brings back memories... I've had ine just like that, including speakers, and I used to play the shit out of Heroes of Might and Magic II and Sim City 2000 on it. I still have the HDD. I think I'll spin up a Win98 instance in VMWare and copy over my saved games there when the kids are asleep
My first computer was like the 1981 one, even had two floppy drives like that - it meant you could have your program disk in one and save your work in the orher. The monitor had orange type rather than the usual green. Fancy. I got it second hand in 1984.
Heh, the same here, but with the usual green screen. A few years later, I took out my old PC to replay my favourite - F-19 Stealth Fighter. Found, however, that my MS-DOS 5.25" floppy, which needed to be loaded in Drive A, didn't work. Here was my setup.
I just find it nifty that I can slide in a graphics card and use it as an add-on processor, just like the Amigas of old did, and add capacity for some tasks even when the CPU is already at 100% doing something else entirely. Just love hearing the sound of all fans spinning up at the same time.
At one point it was walls and walls of PS3's all linked up together, there's no reason to be surprised they're doing it with graphics cards, when they used PS3s it was just because it was the cheapest GPUs at the time.