Looking to update the community icon and banner and want to see what you all come up with. As far as graphic arts go, I'm the worst so I want to crowdsource it out for best results. When the community was first set up I just kind of threw the current ones on there.
Best I can tell, the optimal sizes are 256x256 for the icon and 1320x240 for the banner. I've tried and failed to find a consistent answer on banner-sizing, but every answer has been different. Different apps also seem to display them differently, so I just picked a few that displayed well on different apps and averaged their sizes. 🤷🏻♀️ If you have a better suggestion, I'm all ears.
Animated icons/banners are fine, but they should be in the animated webp format. webm doesn't work well everywhere and GIFs are too large and also inconsistently supported. While webp doesn't animate in all apps, it still looks good as a static image unlike GIFs.
Best I can tell, the optimal sizes are 256x256 for the icon and 1320x240 for the banner. I’ve tried and failed to find a consistent answer on banner-sizing, but every answer has been different. Different apps also seem to display them differently, so I just picked a few that displayed well on different apps and averaged their sizes. 🤷🏻♀️ If you have a better suggestion, I’m all ears.
Thanks for doing the work to test the best resolutions to use! If we happen to find out any other contradicting information about optimal sizes, I should be able to edit these as needed.
Here are a couple banners I made very quickly by basically just cropping down some wallpapers.
Banner 1:
Banner 2:
And here is a WEBP I was working on that I reworked just a bit to make it more suitable as a community icon. I also reduced the framerate/quality to get it down to just under 100kb while still being clear enough. I can always adjust the quality if necessary. Another neat feature is that the actual first frame is simply Liz smiling at the camera, so this should do well as a still image also. There is just some looping trickery to make it seem like when animated, it starts off with her turning her head toward the camera.
EDIT: Fixed banner 2's width to get rid of the tiny black bar on the right
I got nothing to suggest for the banner, but I cropped/scaled an animated version of the current icon.
Used the browser dev tools to preview it, and it looks like this, but animated:
That's a GIF from Tenor cropped, scaled, and converted to.webp, but I believe I can extract that clip from my Bluray set and make a higher quality one. Plus, when people are scrolling by, they'll be like:
Edit: Forgot to mention - there's still a 150 KB limit on uploads in place here (holdover from when user uploads in Lemmy weren't tracked and anyone could just register an account and use me for anonymous hosting). I haven't had any complaints about it and haven't had need or reason to increase it, but if you do hit the limit (possibly with the banner), just DM me and I'll bump up the limit at least temporarily.
Very nice. I previewed your icon suggestion with one of the banners from another user:
Not sure how I feel about that one, but the second GIF in your comment where she's doing the arm chop thing in front of the actual Dealbreakers background might be better?
Also, since you develop the UI here, I was surprisingly able to upload videos, but the UI doesn't work quite right. The preview is broken, and you have to select "All files" before you can pick one. Just thought you might want to know. Also also, what is with the community numbers? They're very different from what the main sidebar shows. Are those just placeholders?
but the second GIF in your comment where she's doing the arm chop thing in front of the actual Dealbreakers background might be better?
I'll see if I can extract that without getting the credits and stuff below.
I was surprisingly able to upload videos, but the UI doesn't work quite right. The preview is broken, and you have to select "All files" before you can pick one.
Huh. I'm surprised that worked at all. I've never even tested the upload handler with videos nor thought about them lol. I'll add that to my bug list.
Also also, what is with the community numbers? ... Are those just placeholders?
Yep. The same form is used when you're creating a new community and when editing an existing one. There's no counts for a new community, so I put in dummy values. There's also no counts when calling that particular API endpoint to edit the community. So rather than another API call to fetch those, I just always use the dummy values since they're not really relevant there anyway.
Edit: Patched up the upload handler so it now properly supports videos 😀
Wow, those are all pretty great. May save them all and rotate through them?
The epic eye roll one should definitely be animated, though 😅
I'm gonna leave this up for a few days, but as of now I think I have decided on using the banner you posted with Tracy in the middle. Still cycling through the icons, but so far my favorites are:
Honorable Mention because I like the simplicity of it:
I started to animate the epic eyeroll, but the problem is that it's not continuous in the episode. She gets maybe halfway through the eyeroll, then the camera cuts to Criss, then it cuts back to Liz as she finishes it. So the animation would either be interrupted by Criss, or I could cut out Criss and her eyeroll would have a weird jump in the middle.