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Assassin's Creed Mirage will take 25-30 hours to complete – and that's if you're a completionist

Assassin's Creed Mirage will take just 25 hours to complete – or less, if you're not looking to do a "completioni…

  • As someone that trudged through Odyssey and has been really enjoying Valhalla despite its immense size, I welcome this change. Good Lord these games are huge.

    • I enjoy the scale of large games, but Odyssey and Valhalla was too much even for me. I'd like maybe half that (which would still be at least 50 hours I suspect).

  • There's a lot of "it depends" in regards to a game that is fully completed at 25-30 hours. If Ubisoft is going to charge $70 USD for the game, along with an additional Deluxe Edition that costs an extra $30, I'm probably not going to buy it on release unless the story is phenomenal, and it's replayable.

    I'd be the first to agree that the more recent releases (especially Valhalla) have been too expansive. The only thing that kept my interest with Odyssey and Origins were the settings (I love ancient Greece and Egypt). I think a 50-60 hour game is adequate for a AAA game like Assassin's Creed.

  • During what I still consider the golden age of gaming, which is 1997-2004, most single player games were aiming for 30-35 hours. That has been my sweet spot ever since but it doesn't mean a game can't be satisfying with less than that.

    I personally don't find anything shorter than 10 hours enough of an experience. 25-30 sounds very reasonable.

  • I guess that’s fair, very few games can pull off 100+ hours while still remaining compelling experiences.

  • Sounds promising!

    I loved the setting of Origins but got burnt out doing all the tedious bits they sprinkled all over the maps that didn't contribute to the story in ant way and was mostly the same over and over again.

    And yes, I know I could skip stuff but I wanted to experience the full hame too.. so.. yeah.

    It definitely could've been trimmed down a bit.