I am reading Daniel Suarez's Critical Mass right now, which is about a near-future mass industry getting bootstrapped on the moon after returning a bunch of raw materials from mining a nearby asteroid. Fun to see that reflected in actual news as I am reading fiction about the same thing!
(Sidenote: most of the tech is very realistic, but be aware the author has bought into blockchain hype, and you will be forced to read about how awesome DAOs are. But hey, maybe tech bros won't be allowed into space to ruin everything? not trying to be a total hater.)
Just can't see anything like this happening until there's not just workable fusion power generation, but portable versions of that technology.... which at this rate and given the challenges currently facing humanity, pretty doubtful that will ever occur. The costs of equipment delivery, resupply, material recovery and transport would be literally astronomical. There's just no way it makes money.
What would we be mining for that could possibly necessitate and justify the costs of transport (equipment and materials) there and back? Almost any resource would be cheaper to mine on Earth, and the only exceptions would still be so rare as to require gigantic energy inputs.