It may not be the laptop, but it'll always be something else. "He got off easy!" "Wonder what strings Biden pulled to get this deal through..." "Trump would have NEVER done this for one of his kids!" Blah blah blah.
I’d like to see how Fox News and the rest of the fascists on the right are gonna throw a fit about improper gun ownership and a little bit of light tax fraud.
I'm not too familiar with the USA criminal justice system but is it normal for somebody to not be expected to spend any time in prison after illegally owning a gun and failing to pay a million bucks in taxes? Over here illegally owning a gun would be a serious crime in itself, though you'd probably only face real consequences for tax evasion if you're poor - rich/powerful people stealing from the government is apparently all good!
To be clear, the gun charge is actually a drug charge: it's illegal to own a firearm if you ever use an illegal drug, which was a racist law (1968 Gun Control Act) put in place as a way to go after groups like the Black Panthers, as well as anti-war groups during Vietnam.
Without them knowing that he had used drugs, it would not have been illegal for him to possess the gun.
In fact, a federal judge just ruled that that particular prohibition is unconstitutional on the grounds that there was no 'historical precedent' for it, which is the new test under Bruen.