Edit: thanks everyone for asking me questions I had a lot of fun doing this and answering all of them. You are all very kind and friendly and it’s much appreciated :)
Feel free to continue asking me things if you see this, I will continue answering as long as they come because I think it’s a lot of fun.
I think my organs are fine? Everything seems to be in order. I’ve never seen them before with my own eyes but I’m pretty sure they’re in the right place, I’ll update you if I’m informed otherwise
Nobody has yet! I’ve only been getting into Linux quite recently, I have a Microsoft surface laptop studio that I’d like to put Linux Mint on, but I’ve been a little scared of pulling the trigger so I haven’t yet :(. I did just get an old desktop pc from my dad because he replaced it, I was gonna put Mint on that but it was having some kind of issue with the bios, I ended up putting Kubuntu on it.
But jokes aside, it's cool that you are trying to make the jump, just stay on Ubuntu until you are familiar enough with Linux to make another jump to a better distro.
No OP, but the question is flawed. Both can't exist in the same universe according to the standard definition, unless you made a custom definition which would decide whether it can or not.
I know it is a known paradoxical question lol. But it is interesting to hear those who try to answer. I asked ChatGPT this to see if it could eventually give me something but it just kept regurgitating references to the paradox.
I’m bpt11, or Bryce
My quest is to be friends with lots of people and hang out and have fun
I really like brown yellow and blue
I do not know why I haven’t seen Monty python in a while
I’m honestly not sure cuz I try to stay off of traditional social media. I have a brother just a couple years young than me and I never have any clue what he’s talking about. Something about “low taper fade” and such, I dunno.
I’ve returned 9 hours later. I think my answer is Red Dead Redemption 2. Not because I’m a rootin tootin crime committing cowboy or anything but I just really appreciate the way Arthur sees and interacts with the world, in a high honor play through at least I’m not sure if it’s different in a low honor run.
I appreciate the way that he acts and talks, he seems like a person that just sees people as people regardless of who they are or how they act. He might poke some fun at people but in the end he’s willing to help out a friend and is there for those around him. Sure he’s not exactly a “good man” given the killing and robbing, all that stuff but I think he has an incredibly kind soul.
It might be cheesy but I feel like that’s how I try to live my life. Regardless of your beliefs your actions your opinions, everyone is a person and I’ll always do my best to help you out if I can. I just try to be kind. I feel like it’s a good way to look at things.
I feel like my life didn’t really amount to much until I started just doing things rather than thinking about them. Keep track of every idea you have, every time you think “maybe I should try that” or “hmm that seems interesting” and then refer back to it whenever you’re bored. If you ever find yourself doom scrolling or anything like that that’s unproductive refer back to that and give something a go. It’s worth trying.
Well said. I’m 34, totally agree. I would also add to stick with something difficult and get over the initial learning curve. I learned how to longboard in college because my best friend was a natural skater, I was terrible at it starting out, but 16 years later I longboard around the neighborhood when the weather is nice. I have a couple scars from my mistakes, but years later 34 year old me doesn’t regret 18-22 year old me doing that at all.
How far are you in Elden Ring? I had only played some Demons Souls and skipped to Elden Ring and it’s one of my favorite games of the past decade! I recently respec’d into a moonveil build and it’s AWESOME
I’m doing pretty good today! I’ve been preparing for a New Year’s party and baking a lot of stuff for it, it’s something I like to do a lot so it’s been great so far.
Skirts, long or short?
What is the name of the character that dies first in breaking bad?
Astrological sign?
Would you be able to recognize lenf nodes if you looked at them with a microscope?
Why 20?
Short long medium, it doesn’t really matter to me. I think the first character that dies in breaking bad is Crazy 8s partner or cousin or whatever he is, but I don’t remember his name. I would not be able to recognize a lenf node in a microscope, I don’t even know what that is. 20 because I was born 20 years ago.
Based, 2. I forgor crazy 8 completely, 3. My mistake, i thought they would be called lenf but English did it's thing and it's lymph (it was on our exam today, and none of my roommates got it right. The future of medicine is bright 😁)
Thats cool. You are still young so be sure to live a bit yourself before the kid(s) come along. I'd suggest to travel a bit if you can. I hope you get where you want to be. 🙏
Have you tried much of the mustard spectrum? There's all sorts beyond the standard yellow. Sweet, spicy, savory, smokey, smooth, chunky, combinations, the list really goes on. Mustard is incredibly diverse.
I have been unemployed for about 8 months now, I took a 9 month 600 hour marketing course that got me several certifications and helped me start my own projects but have yet to get any employment out of it. My marketing education is actually what helped me open my eyes to how I should care for my privacy more than I do and help others do the same.
I’ve used what I’ve learned to help grow my own projects, but in a way that is respectful and not malicious. Using it for “good instead of evil” if you will. I honestly don’t think I could work professionally in marketing in my right mind, because most people don’t do it the respectful way and it’d honestly make me feel like a bad person, so I’ve actually been mainly looking for jobs outside of it, or only applying for agencies and companies that I think seem trustworthy.
But, I’ve been trying to keep myself busy in the time with those projects, kind of trying to turn that into my job. I have a music blog that I run, I do some freelance writing, and more recently have been pursuing a YouTube, all three of which have seen pretty decent success. I’ve been fortunate enough to be in a situation where I have the freedom to pursue that as I continue my job search, and I have a deep appreciation for those that help and support me. It’s frustrating and sad to do so many interviews week to week and hear nothing back, but I have a great support system so it’s not so bad. And yes, although I do wish I had better income, I do like my job it’s pretty fun :)
tldr, I’ve been lucky enough to use my education to support my own projects as my “job” while I pursue a real job, and I do like it. Sorry for the long and complicated answer, I had a lot to say about it.
what was, if any, your first fictional childhood crush?
what phone do you have?
pancakes or waffles? Chicken nuggets or tenders?
What's your favorite game?
Do you like the color green? what about light green?
What time is it?
Do you think ghosts are real?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Why would you best match this position?
I don’t really remember my first fictional childhood crush
I have an iPhone 13
I think that pancakes when done right are the far superior option, but people don’t often do them right so waffles feel safer most of the time
Tenders all the way
I think my favorite game is either Baldurs Gate 3, RDR2, or Hollow Knight. If I’m thinking back real far then Sonic Adventure 2 is a contender too, I played that a lot as a kid
Green is great! I prefer a dark, earthier green but light green isn’t bad.
It is 1:07 AM as I am writing this.
I definitely think ghosts are real.
In 5 years I hope I have 1 or 2 kids, and a nice stable job to provide for them and my wife, living in a cute little house somewhere in the eastern United States
What does being a person mean to you? Could a sufficiently advanced AI become a person and if so, at what point would it become a person that deserves to be treated the same a human? If a machine can be a person, would it be plausible for a person to become a machine? For example, with transhumanism being possible, would a human that has ship of theseus'd with machine components instead of biological components become a machine instead of a person?
I think the root of being human comes down to the struggles we all face day to day, and overcoming them, moving on, and learning from them. That’s what shapes everybody, their personalities, their strengths and flaws, everything. Everybody’s life story is just a series of struggles and triumphs, many different learning experiences.
Whether or not an AI could become a person is an interesting thought. With the current state of AI I think it’s a definite no. But, I don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes. The idea of AI being able to actually move on and learn from things seems completely out of the question to me but so did AI doing what it does now just a few years ago.
I’m thinking about the book that was recently turned into a movie “the wild robot”. It’s about a robot named Roz that becomes the mother to an orphaned Duckling who she names Brightbill. I think that I’d argue that she’s a person but that’s not real, she was written by real human people so of course she has very human traits. (Incredible movie and book by the way it made me cry a lot)
I’m not sure if AI will ever get to that point but if it did I guess that’s where I’d draw the line of humanity, and I guess that would count. But I also think that what makes people “people” is very subjective, and I don’t think there’s really any wrong answer. Maybe I’m wrong but that’s just what I think.
As for that last part of your question, people becoming machines, I don’t even know how to answer that. I think it again just comes down to how advanced AI would be in the situation.
I’m pretty open to any and all music but my favorite genres are rap and hip hop, ex the roots, Tyler the Creator etc, jazz, rock and a bunch of its subgenres, and yeah just a bunch of other stuff. And I do think I’m pretty happy with my life right now. 2025 is off to a pretty great start.
Would the life cycle/span of strongyloides allow for specimens to be expelled through the nose approximately 30 days apart, or does that suggest an infestation by a different autoinfective helminth?
When I was very young (like 4 years old) I was insistent that the game “Parcheesi” was pronounced “Par Chess Ee” and my family will never let me forget that
I grew up my whole life thinking that I just wouldn’t vote in the election when I could because it just didn’t matter and wasn’t that important . This past one was the first one I was old enough to and boy has my opinion on that changed.