Since the election, you have probably heard a lot about FAFO (“f--- around and find out”). It’s the idea that voting is a choice and voters must face the consequences of their choices. If you are, say, a poor person, you shouldn’t have voted for Donald Trump or any Republican, because in the end, th...
Sorry I have cancer and will probably lose access to my healthcare and die once they repeal the ACA.
I'm going to celebrate and get in their stupid removed faces about it. Every time some loser fucking MAGA whines about how bad they've got it I'm going to harass the living fuck out of them about its their own shitty decisions biting them in the ass. They're going to hear about it every fucking day until I fucking croak! I'm sick of my life being fucked up because of ignorant fucking pricks. I'm ready to tell ignorant pricks exactly how fucking ignorant they are, and I don't give a fuck if they're too fucking ignorant to even understand my insults.
Fuck this civility politics bullshit, it's what got us here to begin with. These people deserve to be made social fucking pariahs.
Fuck this civility politics bullshit, it's what got us here to begin with.
To expand on this a bit:
Reasonable people have been civil for decades, and the state of affairs has only declined. That decline has accelerated to the point where the unreasonable people are being ushered in now to control all of the US federal government, not by accident, but by the will (or apathy) of the citizens.
There are no more legal levers to pull. The time for civility has passed. In the short term, there's nothing we can do to effect positive change, but we can take steps to ! the negative, slow it down, make it cost more (in dollars and effort). And we don't have a bunch of foreign allies willing to put themselves in harm's way to come to our rescue. It's going to be a long slog.
US citizens are going to need to learn to be very fucking resourceful, like Cuban citizens learned to be starting sixty years ago.
We need to accept that nobody and no institution is coming to save us.
I want to see community gardens. I want to see non-internet-connected community mesh networks. I want to see community medical clinics. Community 3D printing and basic fabrication, so we can actually fix things. Community mechanics and construction.
Take the ethos of Habitat for Humanity and expand it. Have communities tearing up old dwellings but preserve and fix the wood, metal and wiring to be re-used.
I don't know how to organize any of it, but change and help isn't going to come from the top down, it's up to us to organize it from the bottom up. That can be pretty daunting in especially conservative areas, trying to wake people up to needing each other.
These guys need to get the fuck out of here with this rude awakening and economic anxiety bullshit. I don't really want to hear about any soft peddling of these obvious racist/sexist/other hateful driven motivation voters. Last time The Fanta Menace won, there were all these articles about low income voters (of which I'm one, but I had the good sense not to vote for a flaming pile of garbage) voting for him because of "economic anxiety" and not that he appealed to their base desires to hurt any non straight, white, or male group they didn't like.
This isn't our first rodeo with this fat piece of shit. We all saw what he did before. How can you be "rudely awakened" when you vote for someone whose behavior you're fully aware of? They saw what happened last time and his main campaign promise was, "More of that, but cranked up to 11." Fuck that noise. They are getting exactly what they voted for, with full knowledge of the outcome. Unfortunately, the rest of us are also getting that and it's gonna be bad.
The article talks about him playing favorites, which of course he will, but I think they give him too much credit when it comes to sparing his supporters. He didn't have any problems breaking up families of his supporters last time when one or more of them was undocumented and got swept up in an ICE raid. He'll do what he wants, tempered only by what his handlers want, and that means some notable percentage of his supporters are gonna see some negative effects... Which is exactly what happened last time. They were all shocked Pikachu face then, and amazingly we're now supposed to what, feel bad about them learning nothing and being shocked Pikachu face again after they put themselves in the same situation again? The hell with that.
We had plenty of evidence from the first time Trump was elected that showed a massive amount of his base actually wasn't dirt poor voting against their own interests, but actually relatively well-to-do. I think the "dirt poor" thing about Trump voters is a convenient lie liberals tell themselves to make themselves feel better than these people.
Every shitty boss and middle manager I've ever had was conservative. They've always made way more money than me while doing fucking hardly anything I wasn't capable of doing.
Every time you saw one of those MAGA freaks complaining about the cost of food, and looked at photos of their actual grocery carts, it's like these people had never considered the cost of food before. All of it's high-end food that they're removed about being expensive.
It's time to stop lying to ourselves about it. A significant portion of Trump voters are middle manager fuckheads who already have control over other people's lives and like it that way. They're firmly voting in their interests when their interests are "I get to abuse my employees and it makes me feel like a big man."
It depends on the industry. I install electronic security systems, and I'm on construction sites quite a lot. 95% of the white guys there are MAGA fans, and often talk shit about the very same Latino workers that are working alongside them hanging drywall. They won't do it openly. They'll wait until they're in a group of only white dudes or scribble slurs on the walls of the portable toilets.
It sickens me sometimes how they'll punch down on someone while not being that much better off than them.
Every shitty boss and middle manager I've ever had was conservative.
I agree completely but the workers outnumber those managers by 10 to 1 at a minimum. The rich Trumpers had no direct effect on the election. That's why they use their money to buy all mainstream media.
The poor are stupid and have a bad memory. They completely forgot that they had to fight for toilet paper under Trump.
You're absolutely right. While he's got a sizable chunk of lower income people voting for him, he's also got a huge amount of people with money or privilege voting for him so that they can continue to be shitty to other people. A disturbingly large segment of the country wants this, regardless of class or economic status. And some of them when they inevitably get, I won't feel bad for them at all. I'll reserve that for the rest of us, who tried to make things better for everyone.
Every time you saw one of those MAGA freaks complaining about the cost of food, and looked at photos of their actual grocery carts, it's like these people had never considered the cost of food before. All of it's high-end food that they're removed about being expensive.
I hadn't paid that much attention to their grocery carts, but I still think the economic anxiety argument holds weight. They look at their grocery carts and rising prices and they get anxious, because they know how tenuous their hold on their economic status is. They didn't want to lose that status, because they know how badly the next lower rungs are treated and they didn't want that for their family
We're all going to be in a lot of pain these next few years. I'm perfectly happy to celebrate the people responsible for creating that pain to also have to feel it.
They may be living better lives than they deserve, sure, but there are 77 million other motherfuckers involved here too. Many millions of them do not have diversified assets to live off of.
The pattern I noticed with Maga fans, is they all bought what he was selling: fuvk those other people. Maybe it is refugees and immigrates, LGBT, peaceful protesters, women. So much for society, vote for greed and self interest.
And they voted in support, so it seems like karma to me.
This must be a joke article, because it just reinforced the importance of the “FAFO” jab.
When immigrants are rounded up at put into work camps, labor jobs will be gone.
When skilled immigrants are imported, not given citizenship and paid low wages for high profit, skilled jobs will be gone.
The whole idea of the New United States is slavery, and the rulers know that we are too entitled to be slaves—for now. So they poison us and starve us out until the next generation comes along and is much more obedient.
So yeah… it’s fucking hilarious when some dumb right wing turd thinks they are gonna MAGA.
We are. But the media is in on it, or, told to focus elsewhere… like continuing to talk about Biden.
2025 is WWIII, with china over Taiwan. That’s what the news will be focusing on. They will trick us into thinking these labor camps are good because we won’t be able to get cheap Chinese goods anymore.
Eventually everyone will turn their head because a “$5000 iPhone” will scare them away.
It’s pretty diabolical. But if those work camps become a thing, which might not happen because people here do get loud, then you might consider an escape (especially if you aren’t white) if you have the means.
Celebrating can be considered immature. I'm out of compassion and empathy for idiots though. They will absolutely face the consequences of their actions and it doesn't mean I have to help them.
Meh… I’m happy that they will get to suffer right along side the rest of us. And while this may not be a celebration by definition, I certainly have zero sympathy for a single one of them.
poor is such a weird word… in most cases it just means bad. Poor food quality, poor planning, poor critical thinking skills, etc….
but when we refer to a person, poor means a lack of money?
isn’t it just baking in the notion that impoverished people are bad?
Also in America there is an unspoken attitude that being poor is a moral failing because of the narrative that all you need to succeed is "hard work and determination". If you're not rich you must be lazy.
I somewhat vindictively hope it's every bit as bad as predicted this time, less actual nuclear war of course. But enough so that there's just no way any amount of social media shadow fails to prevent daylight getting through.
Next time we have progressive leaders there needs to be done what the tech bros and oligharchs feared: proper regulation of social media as journalistic organisations unless they e.g. remove algorithmic sorting, and take steps to remove anonymity.
My idea is you could have avatars/pseudonyms linked to a third party open source identification API which uses encryption keys. It doesn't reveal who you are to law enforcement (no one would want to use that) but it does reveal you are the same person regardless of your pseudonym if you get up to naughty business, leading to your reputation going with you to any participating platform.
Using the block chain is completely unnecessary though, so they've clearly got a money making angle.
If it isn't open source and non-profit, it won't work. ICANN for example could integrate it into what they do. Only then could it be part of internet regulations fairly.
Many of them are low information, or high gullibility and won’t even notice because it’ll get blamed on something else or they’ll be told by their echo chamber that it’s not what they think. The important part is they “find out”, and they may not even while facing the consequences