Well Apple hasn’t solved it, because every time I try to set my phone down but leave an app open like instacart or DoorDash or Uber, with a map so I can check where my driver is, and I go to pick up the phone again, it taps the map which launches the map app, so I’m in an entirely different app when I’m trying to quickly check on something time sensitive. It’s super fucking annoying.
Also obscuring the top portion of the screen with the speaker and camera is pretty fucking stupid too.
So yeah, I hope they “solve all that with software” or whatever the fuck……….
Honest an og iPhone 4 physical size with more modern screen to body and modern capacities would be the nich spot for me. That includes the headphone port btw ....
I bet they need the technology for folding phones/tablets (instead of a crease, have two screens that but up against each other with no bezel) and this is how they get the volume in manufacturing to make those doable.
Curved screens also constantly break. My buddy buys samsung with curved screens and he’s bought probably 5 times as many phones as me because the screens always break.