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  • 1999

    I got a cable modem for my birthday that year. Ha!

    No speed caps, and I hit a whopping 4Mbps download. It was faster than the local highschool. Sweeeeet.

  • Early 2000s , xp was still out and you wore an onion on your belt as that was the style at the time.

  • 2012? Brutal I'm guessing you lived far away from civilization.

    For me It was probably 2004.

  • Pretty early on. 2000? Cable Internet was only slightly more expensive and it made so much more sense, given dial ups limitations.

  • 2000? Earlier? 🤔

    I'm not exactly sure when we had first upgraded from 56.6k dialup to a DSL(? If I am remembering the acronym right; it was phone line broadband not cable) line. I was still playing Ultima Online at the time so it had to be prior to 2003 (I quit when Age of Shadows fucked the game all up).

    By 2007, we had cable Internet and it was like triple the speeds of the DSL.

    1. I was part of the ADSL trial in the UK and have been on a form of broadband ever since.
  • 20 November 1999 was the day I finally got my ISDN connection up and running, a huge improvement over dial-up at the time.

  • August 1998, but I held on to my external US Robotics 56k modem for a few years more.

  • I want to say it was about 2005 or 2006.

    My first "broadband" was Hughes satellite internet, due to living in a rural location. It was hot garbage, but it was better than dialup.

    The speeds were Ok (for me), but the data cap (applied daily) was draconian. I don't recall the specific amount but it basically made it impossible to stream video in any capacity.

    There was a 3-hour period from midnight to 3am every night where the cap didn't count. That effectively became internet time because it was unusable otherwise.

    I got cable in 2010.

  • 2009 was when my family switched from dialup to wifi and all of a sudden my old laptop had access to internet.

  • I am not 100% sure on the exact year, but some time in the mid, possibly late, 2000s is when I think my family ditched it.

    All I know is I have memories of it being somewhere around 2011-12 and not wanting to have the router moved out of my grandma's room because mine was directly below hers, which narrows it down to probably before 2010. Didn't live outside society, either.

  • 99/2000ish i suspect? It was an Optus@Home cable connection when "netstats" was still used. It was sold as an "unlimited" plan, but really it was 10x the average download of your node.

    For us, it really was unlimited because we were the only people on our node for ages. As more people connected, we started hitting the limit pretty regular.

    You could also spy on your net neighbours usage because the cable modem logging (available via telnet and a default username and password) showed every connection on your node. Not sure of the technical side of this - I think because cable was in a daisy chain from node to properties and back?

    Because we were early adopters, sending +++ATH0 in ping packets was super effective too heh.