2024 is ending in 5 days and 2025 is coming in, What do you plan to do once 2025 kicks on?
This isn't really a resolution kind of a question, it's more like a question about what you're looking to do once certain events kick in.
As I've been alluding to some people I know, I will be politically mute to the best of my ability once the Inauguration of commander shithead of chief is sworn in. Every news outlet I know, will be blocked and muted. Because I know they're going to be back to following every breath of Trump and his cronies and I'd like to never hear it again as much as possible.
From there I'm going to be living in an entirely different world, parallel to the real one. Basically saying autopilot is going to manage the real world things and I'm just going to be grasping to escapism.
They’re Pinky and the Brain
Yeah, Pinky and the Brain
One’s big-brain AF, the other’s lowkey insane
They’re lab mice, fr fr
DNA spliced, they’re built different, no cap
They’re Pinky, they’re Pinky and the Brain
Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain
Before the night hits the vibe check
Their plan’s gonna slap, bet
By sunrise, it’s GG
They’ll vibe-check the world, legit
Before the night hits the vibe check
Their plan’s gonna slap, bet
By sunrise, it’s GG
They’ll vibe-check the world, legit
They’re Pinky and the Brain
Yeah, Pinky and the Brain
Their late-night grind hits different, kinda insane
To flex their mousy clout
They’ll yeet the earth, no doubt
They’re Pinky, they’re Pinky and the Brain
Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, narf 🙃
Okay but we elected Elon musk/donald trump to the presidency here in the US. Elon just recently tweeted about how a Neo Nazi party was Germany’s only hope and Trump is talking about immigration poisoning the blood of the nation….
Not so sure that bs riot Elon tried to help foment in the UK is a good indicator
Gonna quit weed. Cold turkey. If I don't have control over my consumption now, I think that's a sign I need to stop until I do have that ability again, if ever.
Why not quit now? Like, today, right here, right now. If you can't quit now, why would it be easier in few days?
Honestly dude, you set this artificial boundary because today's you just wants to throw off this responsibility onto next year's you. Don't be a dick for yourself!
COVID gave me a weed allergy that made me quit cold turkey. I haven't had any in a few months. I do miss it, there have been many times (like the start of November) when I would've appreciated it, but I'm scared to trigger symptoms again.
That’s cool, but cold turkey is just making it harder on yourself for little to no gain. U less you just have no self control, tapering would be better for you and your body. As others have said, CT can actually just be setting yourself up for failure.
Or not, weed is one of the easiest to cut out so it’s not a big deal compared to benzos or opioids of course.
Hit the protest scene in my city and start some chaos, and work off some spite.
and boy, is there some spite to work out...
On more personal goals, sell a lot of stuff and downsize, become more mobile and stockpile more cash and assets so I care a lot less about setbacks or surprise bills.
I have my lemmy client set to block any items with the word Trump in it. Hence, your question made it through. It's been a blissful few months, not hearing a thing about him.
This year, I'm going to focus on growing my business, and deepening my relationships. Family and close friends.
I'd join the (German) greens and advocate for better bike infrastructure and public transport in my region. The greens in my state are also known to be a bit economically conservative compared to other states, so I'd try to shift those policies to the left with my votes.
Going to keep doing what I'm doing now: invest every dollar I can spare and ride the coattails of the rich bastards in charge. Hoping to hit my early retirement number in four-to-eight years and have a lot of time to read, game, and enjoy my life afterward.
We'll see, though. Trump failed so spectacularly in his first term that it's important to keep some cash to the side in case there's a market crash. Buying stock at 90% discounts in March 2020 and then waiting a few years paid off my student loans.
For those who don't know, there are literal ETF's that follow the investment choices of major legislators, like Nancy Pelosi (ticker: NANC) and Ted Cruz (ticker: KRUZ), so you can, literally, invest legally in our federal legislators' insider trading.
Just bought raw land and waiting for the septic install at the moment (Might be a few weeks away).
Going to buy shipping containers, get my storage stuff moved to the raw land, get an RV to live in while we build our house, and make a nice garden with a green house.
Excited to be off grid with the goal of being self sufficient.
I'm sure you've researched a bunch already, but be careful moving into the shipping containers before remediation is done. I heard the paint used in shipping containers causes toxic vapors.
I won’t be living in the containers, just using them as storage.
Thanks for the warnings though, I will limit my time in them. I did want to make a workshop in there, but after adding lots of vents.
I’m starting a 30 day yoga challenge, I’m starting a 52 week self discovery journal, I’m going to learn a new topic for 1 month. I might be doing something else, I need to check my bujo.
I'll finally power through the Korean course I bought on Udemy this year. And maybe also learn the instruments I bought two years ago (keyboard and drum machine).
...who am I kidding, I probably won't do any of those things. 🤣
Cry about the continued march of time and my mortality.
Then afterwards!!
Work on a project I've been meaning to put more effort into. I've had ideas for some time now of trying to "invent" a device to help me with a sometimes extraordinarily difficult task at work. Solutions for the task already exist, but are incredibly expensive (tens of thousands of dollars or more) and my workplace doesn't seem to be inclined to go that route.
Work up the courage to ask my work bestie to hang out outside of work sometimes soon! It necessitates hanging out with children which I'm not necessarily always a fan of, but I can go through it if it's important to my friend. Sometimes work gets a bit busy or stressful and it would be cool to make memories outside of work. We've hung out only a few times ever. Idk!
Yeah, the political shit sucks. But since there's nothing I can do about it, I'm just a bit "meh" on the whole thing tbh. It's not anything I have the power to fix. So I'm just going to do my best to ignore it! Not really on my radar at the current moment, but it definitely was during the elections themselves. Idk we'll see. Always best to just try to think about other things!
Work is going to start providing lunch for all employees every working day, so I expect I’m gonna have to have a resolution to actively hit the gym more than I do now. I’ve always been a bit stingy with my portions for lunch which helps me to keep thinner, but if work has a nice hot lunch every day I am going to have to work harder.