I did a calculation once about my chances of finding a compatible long-term partner, inspired by the Drake Equation and using many many assumptions. The numbers are not good: ~22 out of 8 billion.
As a married man, I gotta say you’re probably selling yourself short or have unrealistic expectations of a partner.
Remember that whoever you’re going to date is a person, not a robot. People are not quantifiable. One day they may be a dick, the next they may be pleasant. Some people are willing to compromise and others aren’t. Man, woman, or other, it doesn’t matter. If you’re not willing to compromise something, you’re never going to find someone.
People say this all the time, but I've never really understood it. You can't help who you are attracted to. Do a lot of people just have relationships with people they don't find attractive?
I don't find like 99.9999% of people attractive. So I never really bothered attempting to date. I don't blame people for it like an incel would...it's just a slightly unfortunate thing that means I'm incompatible with other human beings. The few times I tried, it felt awkward and bad that I couldn't reciprocate what the other person felt. It felt like lying and I'm not really sure what I was supposed to be getting out of something like that.
Give it time. Sometimes they can start out vanilla and warm to the idea of kinks through your relationship. Usually those kind of things aren’t set in stone.
Of course you know. You just do a lot less of what you're currently doing... And then you likely to have different outcomes... I'm not saying that you should or shouldn't do that, but the knowledge is there.
Over the years of talking with my wife about who we find attractive, she has realized I find almost all women attractive in some ways and normally the ones that are supposed to be attractive i find less attractive. She hated this realization because she applied it to herself, and it made her feel bad... I just find the good in most people, that's all!
There’s a coworker of mine that when the topic arises and he gets asked what is his preference (in terms of the types of women he likes) his response is “women” 😂
he likes: big girls, pretty kitty girls, really witty girls, singin' ditty girls; he likes the leggy girls with the nice thighs; he likes a good chest no matter what size; he likes the belly folds, he likes the sixpacks, really tall queens, and the shortstacks, from the mild girls to the wild girls...
Ah the classic "date someone I don't find attractive", a famously stable long term strategy. We'll just ignore that whole critical issue of intimacy. Right right right.
That's been something hard about transitioning, being aware of how fewer and fewer people find me attractive the further I go. Ah well, it's not like I was going to find a partner anyways, looks really never came into play in the first place.
you, standing on a cliff overlooking the horizon, and ten billion light-years away there is a point you will never, ever be physically capable of reaching because the very expansion of the cosmic medium itself will move it further away from you than it already is now even if you traveled in that direction at the speed of light for ten billion years.