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Palestinian Christians call on western churches to ‘humanize’ the children of Gaza (Jane Barter | The Conversation, 2024-12-19)

Palestinian Christians call on western churches to ‘humanize’ the children of Gaza (Jane Barter | The Conversation, 2024-12-19)

“Palestinian Christian theologians maintain that western Christian neutrality equates to complicity”

“[Munther Isaac:]‘Regrettably, many western Christians across wide denominational and theological spectra adopt Zionist theologies and interpretations that justify war, making them complicit in Israel’s violence and oppression.’“

“Some other church leaders are speaking up. Pope Francis has called for an investigation to determine whether genocide is taking place in Gaza.

“In August, the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby said ‘the State of Israel has been denying the Palestinian people dignity, freedom and hope,’ and called for an end to the occupation.

“These latter comments signal steps in the right direction, however church leaders must go beyond words toward action…”