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  • Despite all precautions, if you are one of the few persons whose circumstances could allow the leak, then they'll narrow it down to you. Especially if you were the reluctant one, the one that raised ethical issues etc...

  • Do

    • Live on cash from different ATMs;
    • Stay at a hotel/motel that changes weekly;
    • Rent a car and change it at different rental locations every week;
    • Communicate only with your lawyer;
    • Record everything in an official manner as soon as possible.
    • Stay offline
    • Get a dumb phone, and if you must have a computer get a new laptop with no wifi or mobile data hardware;

    Do Not

    • Go anywhere you don't need to go;
    • Tell anyone where you are;
    • Go to the middle of nowhere, this reduces your escape routes unless you're Bear Grylls;
    • Confront anyone, they can have you arrested and prison violence makes their job much easier;
    • Go to the news without your lawyer;
    • Use a smartphone, or any device that was yours before and is capable of connecting online;

    And most of all don't listen to the billy badasses in here. If a multi billion dollar corporation wants you dead and is willing to break the law they can afford a lot of very nasty people. You aren't getting the tactical training to stand against them in that short amount of time, that takes years and dedication and even then you'll be learning how to run away in a deadly manner. Your best defense is to be ghost except when you show up for court dates and depositions. That's what the Secret Service Witness Protection Program does and it works if you have discipline.

  • Call a lawyer and give a deposition before they can do anything. Collect as much information as possible. Dump all of the cars and electronics that I own, ship my active phone to a different state. Stop using credit cards. Strap up. Send my family to day with various people who I know who are Leo or retired Leo or retired military. Always wear a hat, mask, etc. have a different lawyer set up an LLC without my name attached and use that to register a van to stay in with a business name on the side. Avoid big retailers who use facial recognition. Park the van near my old bosses houses during the day since it looks like a plumbing truck or whatever and sleep during the day since they think I would be hiding somewhere far away. If they see me then they would be shitting themselves. Go to their house when only their spouse or kids are home pretending to be a service person and get pictures inside their house. Send them photos of them and their family leaving and coming home at their school, their wifi ssid, inside of their house, house plans from the county, etc. from a different zip code far away by using a mail forwarding service so they think I've skipped town but I'm actually right there.

  • Human beings are fragile creatures. Big corps generally don't need to make the big effort of a murder and a cover-up when they can almost completely legally harass people into taking their own lives.

    To that end? Get a good therapist and a psych. Preferably not on workplace insurance, if such a thing is feasible for the situation.

  • Tails on a usb on a personal device only. Never do anything in person. Redact all personal information for all people yourself included. Use a pdf to image embedded pdf conversion tool to hide all possible pdf metadata. Remove all image metadata. Never tell anyone any traceable information this includes names, locations, times, contacts, you voice, anything that can in any way be identified as unique to u.

    Do not raise suspicion quit within a short period of disclosure of information, speak out about issurs, etc. Use simplex chat or pgp encrypted email with a new randomly generated email address not linked to personal info (phone number, existing email etc). Do this all via tor on ur tails install.

    Data exfiltration is difficult and can be linked/traced depending on threat model (boing will have extreme capacity and can be considered as dangerouse as a government actor). If u can take the device home and their is no device opened detection in BIOS then extract drive plug into personal device thats booted with tails and copy files from drive to tails (avoids any logging of files being copied or what fikes).

    If files are on a secure server then exfil will be traceable. U can avoid this by taking pictures of screen with an oldschoop dslr (be carfull of information leakage (the monitor reflections etc).

    If u are to testify and therefore need to disclose your real identity then u could theoreticly livestream ur entire life untill the point of testifying at which point u state clearly for the record u are not suicidal that u fear for you life and hope to hell thwy dont suicide u out of spite. Also if ur in the states carry a firearm and learn how to use it effectively.

    Also deadmans switch which publicly dumps info. Files, audio/video from ur phone streamed to a remote server (in an internal durastinction they cant get to easily or quickly)

    Idk tho just some thoughts

  • None. If you've ever worked at Boeing, you know this is not something they are capable of doing (honestly it is a shock they are in business at all).

    • All it takes is money to hire someone who is capable.

      • Their margins are negative (like 45%negative) in 2 of 3 business units. Business skills like those suggest the leadership isn't even smart enough to think of suiciding anyone, which aligns with my personal experience there.