and then she / he masturbated forever
18 0 Replyand then they masturbated forever, you can use they to stay neutral
38 3 Replyi don't know why people forget the word exists when they use it all the time in normal conversation
6 0 ReplyIt sounds like they both masturbated forever though (Not to be a hater, dont down vote!!)
4 1 Reply
I love a good happy ending.
6 0 Reply
It's just drugs, isn't it?
9 0 ReplyIt's not NOT drugs 🤷
5 0 ReplyIt was poison...
1 0 Reply
Treat yo'self!
8 0 ReplySame, little green woman with a crazy hat. Same.
5 0 ReplyIs this love potion no. 9?
1 0 ReplyWho're
15 26 ReplyI've never seen it contracted like that; it made me laugh more than the meme itself.
2 0 ReplyIt's a pretty commonly used in the Pennsyltucky dialect. It's kinda fun to use.
3 0 Reply
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