I hope they do find out what causes it to happen now, and to happen at this pace.
Countermeasures are the obvious ones, of course. People cannot prevent the oceans from doing their thing, but they can stop doing what they're doing to the atmosphere.
For those who want maps and graphs to describe the problem, this site offers a bunch.
I keep saying this, but it feels more and more like we're in the beginning of a black swan event. Solar maximum for this cycle is probably just a couple of years in the future, too, so it'll be interesting (as in "may you live in interesting times" interesting) to see how that affects things
Yeah we're so fucked. Already its gotten so much worse so much faster than even the biggest doomsayers predicted. I expect we're right at the turning point and things are just gonna get exponentially worse. How we've known about this for like 60 years and not done anything to minimize the effect just makes me feel like we deserve to go. I wish it could just be the billionaires but they're dead set on taking the rest of us with them. (Or they think they can ride it out in fancy bunkers, fucking idiotic psychopaths.)