Glad to see Valve promoting KDE Plasma (the DE that SteamOS uses) in their most recent Steam sale art!
If you zoom in you can clearly see the Steam delivery girl using Windows 11 theme for KDE Plasma. It is so awesome that Valve artists pay attention even to the smallest details!
I've installed W11 for gf and I sorta see the appeal but they clearly had no idea what to do with the whitespace in the bottom left caused by moving the start button and instead filled it with a nonsense button that'll inevitably get clicked billions of times by people expecting it to be the start button.
I can see why they moved all the buttons to the center (on widescreens, it's pretty silly to have to move the mouse pointer all the way), but the proper solution for that would have been a dock. And yeah, you can clearly see that they didn't want to go that far or they didn't realize that they wanted a dock, so you get this awkward in-between solution.
After an hour or so of using gnome, every time I give it another chance, I recall this:
Obviously its not that bad but a bunch of minor things end up compounding into really pissing me off. Then god forbid you ask the devs to make an accessibility setting to resolve your problems. Or maybe the devs aren't shit people anymore, who knows.
What makes people get so ticked off about gnome??? Either I'm the weird one for liking so called garbage but this is legitimately great to use and very efficient