KeepassXC (a PC application) has a preset for Steam OTP parameters, if your Android/iOS app of choice allows you to use non-standard parameters I guess it should be possible to use them?
The only somewhat painful part for me was actually getting the OTP secret.
All options eventually led to customer support. So now I'm waiting for steam to give me permission to access my games . It's frustrating that I can know my password and can access the email connected to the account. But for some reason that's not enough .
That's the point of real 2fa. And the process of activating it also makes it very clear. I find it incredibly frustrating when I activate 2fa on some service, and they allow email as a fallback that I can't turn off. Cause that turns it back into single factor, being the email. That's what the recovery codes are for.
Otherwise, if someone has access to your email, they can just reset the password and get access (cause that is the 2nd factor). Then they can change the associated email address and that's that.
Steamguard blocked me from logging into my account because one of my devices is connected to VPN (different country) and other one doesn't. What's the point of a security feature if it can't distinguish between legitimate login vs an attacker. I'm not using steamguard anymore. Would rather enter code from my email. Just dumb implementation tbh.