If we make it a post-cyberpunk setting with Mad Max scavenging influence, we can have half-scrapped cyberpunk vehicles racing through derelict cities. The neon lights still work most of the time, being run by automated systems that don't realise that none of the products they are advertising are being made any more. The wastes outside the city are harsh, but at least something grows there and the corporate law enforcement drones don't leave the city centre often, so people only return to the old metropolis to rip things out of it.
Your base is producing fuel. It's your lifeline in the wasteland - everyone needs it, you're good at making it. There's a lot of fancy tech in the city that you can salvage to turn towards automating this process. It also means that you can always run your vehicle. The better the fuel you make, the faster your car and the more components you can buy from other people in the wastes. You can improve your workshop too, if you want to tilt towards DIY instead of trading for upgrades.
The process of raiding the city is a dangerous one. You're hugely outgunned by the drones, so you have to consider your routes and be evasive. Drive from cover to cover, employ a little rocket-boost to dodge to the sides or zip across an open area. If you don't make it out, well maybe you did on foot without your car or maybe you just play as the next fearless driver to take the last one's place - either way, you start over again at your base, and you can try to recover what you gathered from the wreckage of the last run.
This stretching the definition of "racing" a bit, and if this game existed I'd definitely want the option to go actually just race through the city too, but I think that's the best idea I have for welding them all together
These are some very good game ideas. :)
The few hours I've spent in Wobbledogs, Shenzhen I/O and Another Crab's Treasure apparently were more significant to Steam than the few hundred hours in Satisfactory and Factorio.
I play so much slay the spire that even though I muted the tag on steam so the games wouldn't show up 'rogue-like deck builder' is still in my top suggestions. No! Not what I want out of a NEW game slay the spire fills that entire itch.
Seems like a pie chart would be much better. The information you're trying to display is just a single type of quantity (fraction of gamehours spent playing each genre). In fact i don't think a spider chart is applicable here, because that's for displaying multiple different types of quantities (like hours vs. temperature vs. age)