I’m in no way suggesting anything, nor encouraging or endorsing any particular course of action, but I do note that when things are securely tied to or wrapped in a heavy object with negative buoyancy, they do sink rather fast to the bottom of the sea and stay there. Examples of such things include battleship chains and concrete boots.
The Heartland Institute – one of the organisations involved in the radical Project 2025 agenda for a second Donald Trump term – has been at the forefront of denying the scientific evidence for man-made climate change, and received at least $676,000 between 1998 and 2007 from U.S. oil major ExxonMobil.
Heartland is known “for its persistent questioning of climate science”, according to Merchants of Doubt by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway, and it has received tens of thousands in donations from foundations linked to the owners of Koch Industries – a fossil fuel behemoth and a leading sponsor of climate science denial.
A Union of Concerned Scientists report in 2007 alleged that nearly 40 percent of the total funds received by Heartland Institute from ExxonMobil since 1998 were designated for climate change projects.
They seem very intent on selling us oil until the world burns. Not really sure what their plan is after that though.
They don't have a plan. Looking at examples like the "submarine" guy will tell you everything you need to know. The guy literally dived to his own death taking his son with him because he thought submarine quality requirements were overrated. Because they perceive themselves as "very successful entrepreneus" (generally on inherited money), they think that every piece of crap that their brain produces must be the absolute reality.
Here's a video by Sabine Hossenfelder articulating the issues with current climate data that's nearly never acknowledged. I think human activity is driving climate change, as does she, but it's interesting to hear how in the inadequacies of the current models are big enough for climate change deniers to drive a bus through. (And also room enough for them to cry "conspiracy" when they discover how problematic some of these models are like it's a secret. It's not a secret, but it is true that mainstream media - and even popular science publications - gloss over these in order to solidify the need to take action)