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How many docker containers are you running on your server?


Wandering what the limit is when it comes to how many containers I can run. Currently I'm running around 15 containers. What happens if this is increased to say, 40? Also, can docker containers go "idle" when not being used - to save system resources?

I'm running a i7-6700k Intel cpu. Doesn't seem to be struggling at all with my current setup at least, maybe only when transcoding for Jellyfin.

  • I am at ~80. Most are idling.

    For me, the metric to jeep an eye on is the time spent by the kernel between system and user. If the time spent by in system rises it is the sign that the kernel is just switching of context instead of executing programs.

  • You can't really make them go idle, save by restarting them with a do-nothing command like tail -f /dev/null. What you probably want to do is scale a service down to 0. This leaves the declaration that you want to have an image deployed as a container, "but for right now, don't stand any containers up".

    If you're running a Kubernetes cluster, then this is pretty straightforward: just edit the deployment config for the service in question to set scale: 0. If you're using Docker Compose, I believe the value to set is called replicas and the default is 1.

    As for a limit to the number of running containers, I don't think it exists unless you're running an orchestrator like AWS EKS that sets an artificial limit of... 15 per node? I think? Generally you're limited only by the resources availabale, which means it's a good idea to make sure that you're setting limits on the amount of RAM/CPU a container can use.

  • 13 containers currently. I have thought about adding some more stuff such as bazarr and more but I need to be in the humor for it.

  • On my old Dell workstation I pulled out of the dumpster of a local business, which now has a second life as a Unraid NAS, I’m running 29 currently. Used to be running more, but I got rid of some after I was done using those services.

    Among other things, the server runs my entire Servarr stack, as well as the various media servers for video, music, ebooks and audiobooks, and my Gitea. There’s a bunch of other stuff as well, but those are the most important to me.